Free Mathematics eBooks Online : Number Theory

Free Mathematics eBooks Online : Number Theory

Here is a list of online books about Number Theory  in various formats available for free:

Abelian Varieties
by J. S. Milne, 2008, 172 pages, 1.2MB, PDF

Algebraic Number Theory
by J.S. Milne, 2008, 163 pages, 1.1MB, PDF

Algorithmic Number Theory
by J.P. Buhler, P. Stevenhagen, 2008, 662 pages, PDF

Analytic Number Theory
by Giuseppe Rauti, 2013, 96 pp, 580KB, PDF

Analytic Number Theory
by Kiran Kedlaya, 2007, PDF

Analytic Number Theory: A Tribute to Gauss and Dirichlet
edited by William Duke, Yuri Tschinkel, 2007, 266 pages, 2.6MB, PDF

Arithmetic Duality Theorems
by J.S. Milne, 2006, 347 pages, 2MB, PDF

by Alun Wyn-jones, 2008, 149 pages, PDF

Class Field Theory
by J. S. Milne, 2008, 287 pages, 1.7MB, PDF

Collections of Problems on Smarandache Notions
by Charles Ashbacher, 1996, 75 pages, 1.7MB, PDF

Comments and topics on Smarandache notions and problems
by Kenichiro Kashihara, 1996, 50 pages, 1.4MB, PDF

A Computational Introduction to Number Theory and Algebra
by Victor Shoup, 2005, 534 pages, 3.5MB, PDF

Computer analysis of number sequences
by Henry Ibstedt, 1998, 86 pages, 2.2MB, PDF

A Course In Algebraic Number Theory
by Robert B. Ash, 2003, PDF

Definitions, Solved and Unsolved Problems, Conjectures, and Theorems in Number Theory by Florentin Smarandache, 2000, 84 pages, 2.7MB, PDF

Diophantine Analysis
by R. D. Carmichael, 1915, 120 pages, 630KB, PDF

Distribution of Prime Numbers
by W W L Chen, 2003, PDF

Elementary Number Theory
by William Edwin Clark, 2002, 129 pages, 750KB, PDF

Elementary Number Theory
by W W L Chen, 2003, PDF

Elementary Theory of Numbers
by Waclaw Sierpinski, 1964, PDF

Elliptic Curves over Function Fields
by Douglas Ulmer, 2011, 72 pages, 670KB, PDF

Essays on the Theory of Numbers
by Richard Dedekind, 1901, 78 pages, 460KB, PDF

Geometric Theorems and Arithmetic Functions
by Jozsef Sandor, 2002, 55 pages, 1.4MB, PDF

Harmonic Analysis, the Trace Formula, and Shimura Varieties
edited by J. Arthur, D. Ellwood, R. Kottwitz, 2005, 706 pages, 4.8MB, PDF

Heegner Points and Rankin L-Series
edited by Henri Darmon, Shou-Wu Zhang, 2004, PDF

Introduction to Algebraic Number Theory
by William Stein, 2005, 140 pages, 820KB, PDF

Introduction to Analytic Number Theory
by A.J. Hildebrand, 2006, 197 pages, 820KB, PDF

Introduction to Shimura Varieties
by J.S. Milne, 2004, 149 pages, 1MB, PDF

An Introduction to the Smarandache Function
by Charles Ashbacher, 1995, 62 pages, 1.6MB, PDF

An Introduction to the Theory of Numbers
by Leo Moser, 2007, 95 pages, 0.5MB, PDF

Lectures on Field Theory and Ramification Theory
by Sudhir R. Ghorpade, 2008, 36 pp, 360KB, PDF

Lectures on Modular Forms
by Igor V. Dolgachev, 1998, 820KB, PDF

Lectures on Shimura Varieties
by A. Genestier, B.C. Ngo, 2006, 50 pages, 400KB, PDF

Lectures on Topics in Algebraic Number Theory
by Sudhir R. Ghorpade, 2002, 83 pp, 1.5MB, PDF

Modular Functions and Modular Forms
by J. S. Milne, 2009, 129 pages, 960KB, PDF

Notes on Fermionic Fock Space for Number Theorists
by Greg W. Anderson, 2000, 99 pages, 460KB, PDF

Notes on the Poisson formula
by A. N. Parshin, 2010, 46 pages, 420KB, PDF

On Some of Smarandache’s Problems
by Krassimir Atanassov, 1999, 89 pages, 4.3MB, PDF

Pluckings from the tree of Smarandache: Sequences and functions
by Charles Ashbacher, 1998, 80 pages, 0.8MB, PDF

A set of new Smarandache functions, sequences and conjectures in number theory
by Felice Russo, 2000, 114 pages, 0.4MB, PDF

The Smarandache Function
by C. Dumitrescu, V. Seleacu, 1996, 137 pages, 3MB, PDF

Smooth Numbers: Computational Number Theory and Beyond
by Andrew Granville, 2008, 58 pp, 390KB, PDF

Surfing on the ocean of numbers
by Henry Ibstedt, 1997, 76 pages, 2.8MB, PDF

Theoretic Arithmetic
by Thomas Taylor, A. J. Valpy, 1816, 286 pages, 22MB, PDF

The Theory of Numbers
by R. D. Carmichael, 1914, 85 pages, PDF/TeX

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