Free American Literature eBooks Online
Published 09/10/2017
· Updated 07/01/2022
Here is a list of online books about
American Literature in various formats available for free :
1492 by Mary Johnston (Gutenberg text)
1601 (with commentary) by Mark Twain (HTML at )
48 Small Poems by Marc Weber (HTML at Light and Dust)
XXXVI Lyrics and XII Sonnets by Thomas Bailey Aldrich (page images at MOA)
A Book of Music by Richard Watson Gilder (HTML and SGML at Michigan)
A Book of Romances, Lyrics, and Songs by Bayard Taylor (page images at MOA)
A Book of Verses (1898) by Edgar Lee Masters (HTML and SGML at Michigan)
A Book-Lover’s Holidays in the Open by Theodore Roosevelt (HTML at Bartleby)
A Boy’s Will by Robert Frost (HTML at Bartleby)
Acadian Legends and Lyrics (London, New York: White & Allen, 1889) by Arthur Wentworth Hamilton Eaton (page images at )
A Calendar of Sonnets by Helen Hunt Jackson (page images at MOA)
A Castle in Spain: A Novel (London: Chatto and Windus, 1884) by James De Mille (page images at )
A Cathedral Courtship by Kate Douglas Wiggin (Gutenberg text)
Accidental Center by Michael Heller (illustrated HTML at Light and Dust)
Accolon of Gaul by Madison Julius Cawein (HTML at Rochester)
A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court by Mark Twain
illustrated HTML at Virginia
text at Wiretap
Active Service by Stephen Crane (Gutenberg text; unofficial until 31 Oct 2000)
A Daughter of Fife (c1886) by Amelia E. Barr (page images at )
Admetus and Other Poems by Emma Lazarus
HTML and SGML at Michigan
page images at MOA
A Dog’s Tale by Mark Twain (text at UMD)
A Dome of Many-Coloured Glass by Amy Lowell (Gutenberg text)
A Double-Barrelled Detective Story by Mark Twain (HTML at Naked Word)
Adventure by Jack London
HTML at Berkeley
Gutenberg text
Adventures and Letters of Richard Harding Davis by Richard Harding Davis (HTML at Virginia)
Aesthetics by Toby Olson (HTML at Light and Dust)
A Fable for Critics by James Russell Lowell (page images at MOA)
A Few Figs from Thistles (1922 edition) by Edna St. Vincent Millay (local HTML)
Aftermath by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (page images at MOA)
After the Armies Have Passed by Jascha Kessler (HTML at CAPA)
Afterwhiles by James Whitcomb Riley (page images at MOA)
A Girl of the Limberlost by Gene Stratton-Porter (HTML at Virginia)
A Handful of Lavender by Lizette Woodworth Reese
HTML and SGML at Michigan
page images at MOA
A Heap O’ Livin’ by Edgar Guest (Gutenberg text)
A Home Idyl, and Other Poems by J. T. Trowbridge (HTML and SGML at Michigan)
A Horse’s Tale by Mark Twain (Gutenberg text)
Airs of Palestine: A Poem by John Pierpont (HTML and SGML at Michigan)
Air the Trees by Larry Eigner (HTML at Light and Dust)
A Knight of the Cumberland by John Fox (illustrated HTML at Virginia)
A Knight of the Nets (Toronto, Montreal: C.W. Coates, W. Briggs, c1896) by Amelia E. Barr (page images at )
A Lady of Quality by Frances Hodgson Burnett
illustrated HTML at Virginia
Gutenberg text
Alashka by Janet Rodney and Nathaniel Tarn (HTML at Light and Dust)
Alexander’s Bridge by Willa Cather (text at Wiretap)
Alice Adams by Booth Tarkington
illustrated HTML at Virginia
Gutenberg text
A Little Dreaming by Fenton Johnson (HTML and SGML at Michigan)
A Little Princess by Frances Hodgson Burnett
HTML at Virginia
text at Wiretap
Alnwick Castle, With Other Poems by Fitz-Greene Halleck
HTML and SGML at Michigan
page images at MOA
Along the Way by Mary Mapes Dodge (page images at MOA)
A Masque and Other Poems by S. Weir Mitchell (page images at MOA)
A Masque of Poets: Including Guy Vernon, a Novelette in Verse , ed. by George Parsons Lathrop (page images at MOA)
A Master’s Degree by Margaret Hill McCarter
illustrated HTML at Virginia
Gutenberg text
A Millionaire of Rough-and-Ready by Bret Harte (Gutenberg text; unofficial until 31 Aug 2000)
A Moosehead Journal by James Russell Lowell (page images at MOA)
A Mountain Woman by Elia Wilkinson Peattie (Gutenberg text)
An Alien Light by Nancy Kress (HTML at BiblioBytes)
An Ancient Spell by Will Carleton (page images at MOA)
An Elephant’s Track, and Other Stories by Mollie Evelyn More Davis (illustrated HTML and TEI at UNC)
A New England Girlhood, Outlined From Memory by Lucy Larcom (Gutenberg text; unofficial until 31 Aug 2000)
A New Home, Who’ll Follow? or, Glimpses of Western Life by Caroline Kirkland
HTML with commentary at
HTML and page images at LOC
An Idyl of the South by Albery A. Whitman (HTML and SGML at Michigan)
A Night in Acadie by Kate Chopin (HTML and TEI at UNC)
An Imperative Duty by William Dean Howells (HTML at Gonzaga)
An International Episode by Henry James (Gutenberg text)
Anne Boleyn: A Tragedy by George H. Boker (page images at MOA)
An Old-Fashioned Girl by Louisa May Alcott (HTML at Celebration of Women Writers)
An Old-Fashioned Thanksgiving by Louisa May Alcott (HTML at Eldritch Press)
Anthem by Ayn Rand
HTML at; access from USA only
Gutenberg text; access from USA only
Gutenberg text comparing editions; access from USA only
Anthology of Magazine Verse for 1913 , ed. by William Stanley Braithwaite (HTML at GeoCities)
Anthology of Magazine Verse for 1920, and Year Book of American Poetry , ed. by William Stanley Braithwaite (HTML and SGML at Michigan)
Anthology of Massachusetts Poets , ed. by William Stanley Braithwaite (Gutenberg text; unofficial until 31 Aug 2000)
Anti-Slavery Poems of John Pierpont by John Pierpont
HTML and SGML at Michigan
page images at MOA
Anti-Slavery Poems: Songs of Labor and Reform by John Greenleaf Whittier (HTML and SGML at Michigan)
A Plea for Old Cap Collier by Irvin S. Cobb (Gutenberg text)
A Poem on the Meditation of Nature by Park Benjamin (page images at MOA)
A Poor Wise Man by Mary Roberts Rinehart (Gutenberg text)
A Princess of Mars by Edgar Rice Burroughs (HTML at CMU)
A Psalm of Deaths and Other Poems by S. Weir Mitchell (page images at MOA)
Aquidneck: A Poem by Charles Timothy Brooks (page images at MOA)
A Reader’s Guide to William Gaddis’s The Recognitions (1995 edition) by Steven Moore (HTML at )
Ariel and Caliban, With Other Poems by Christopher Pearse Cranch
HTML and SGML at Michigan
page images at MOA
Arizona Nights by Stewart Edward White (Gutenberg text)
Armazindy by James Whitcomb Riley (page images at MOA)
A Roadside Harp: A Book of Verses by Louise Imogen Guiney
page images at MOA
A Roman Lawyer in Jerusalem, First Century by William Wetmore Story (page images at MOA)
Artemis to Actaeon and Other Verse by Edith Wharton (HTML at Virginia)
A Sausage from Bologna: A Comedy in Four Acts by John Jay Chapman (HTML and SGML at Michigan)
A Son of the Sun by Jack London (HTML at Berkeley)
A Southern Flight by Frank Dempster Sherman and Clinton Scollard (HTML and SGML at Michigan)
Assault on the Gods by Stephen Goldin (page images at )
A Strange Manuscript Found in a Copper Cylinder (New York: Harper & Brothers, 1888) by James De Mille, illust. by Gilbert Gaul (page images at )
A Strange Manuscript Found in a Copper Cylinder (magazine serial version) by James De Mille (HTML at Gaslight)
A Student’s History of American Literature by William Edward Simonds (HTML at Bibliomania)
A Sweet Girl Graduate by L. T. Meade (HTML at Naked Word)
Atlanta Offering: Poems by Frances Ellen Watkins Harper (HTML and SGML at Michigan)
At Sundown by John Greenleaf Whittier (page images at MOA)
A Tramp Abroad by Mark Twain
HTML at Colorado
text at Wiretap
A Traveller from Altruria (original magazine edition) by William Dean Howells (illustrated HTML at Gonzaga)
At the Beautiful Gate, and Other Songs of Faith by Lucy Larcom (HTML and SGML at Michigan)
At the Earth’s Core by Edgar Rice Burroughs
text at Wiretap
Aunt Dice: The Story of a Faithful Slave (Nashville: Publishing House of the M.E. Church, 1897) by Nina Hill Robinson (HTML and TEI at UNC)
Aunt Phillis’ Cabin: or, Southern Life As It Is (Philadelphia: Lippincott, Grambo anandd Co, 1852) by Mary Henderson Eastman (frame-dependent HTML at Virginia)
Autobiography of a Female Slave (New York: Redfield, 1857) by Martha Griffith Browne (HTML and TEI at UNC)
Autobiography of a Pocket-Handkerchief by James Fenimore Cooper (Gutenberg text; unofficial until 30 Sep 2000)
Autobiography of Col. Richard Malcolm Johnston by Richard Malcolm Johnston (HTML and TEI at UNC)
Avenging the Maine, A Drunken A. B., and Other Poems by James E. McGirt (HTML and SGML at Michigan)
A Voice on the Wind, and Other Poems by Madison Julius Cawein (HTML and SGML at Michigan)
A Voyage to the Fortunate Isles, Etc. by Sarah M. B. Piatt (page images at MOA)
A Waif of the Plains by Bret Harte (Gutenberg text; unofficial until 31 Aug 2000)
A Ward of the Golden Gate by Bret Harte (Gutenberg text; unofficial until 31 May 2000)
A Wayside Lute by Lizette Woodworth Reese (HTML and SGML at Michigan)
A White Heron by Sarah Orne Jewett (HTML with commentary at )
A Wonder-Book for Girls and Boys by Nathaniel Hawthorne (HTML at Eldritch Press)
Bab: A Sub-Deb by Mary Roberts Rinehart (text at Wiretap)
Babbitt by Sinclair Lewis
illustrated HTML at Virginia
HTML at Bartleby
Gutenberg text
Balcony Stories by Grace Elizabeth King (illustrated HTML and TEI at UNC)
Ballads and Other Verses by James Thomas Fields (page images at MOA)
Ballads of New England by John Greenleaf Whittier (page images at MOA)
Ballads of Valor and Victory, Being Stories in Song from the Annals of America by Clinton Scollard and Wallace Rice (HTML and SGML at Michigan)
Ballads, Lyrics, and Hymns by Alice Cary (page images at MOA)
Ballads, Patriotic and Romantic by Clinton Scollard (HTML and SGML at Michigan)
Bark: A Polemic by David Meltzer (HTML at Light and Dust)
Barnaby Rudge by Charles Dickens
searchable HTML at Bibliomania
Gutenberg text
zipped PDF 3.0 at
Bartleby, the Scrivener by Herman Melville
HTML at Bartleby
HTML with commentary at
Baxter’s Procrustes by Charles W. Chesnutt (HTML at the English Server)
Bayou Folk by Kate Chopin (HTML and TEI at UNC)
Beauty and the Beast by Bayard Taylor (annotated HTML at )
Beauty and the Beast, and Tales of Home by Bayard Taylor (Gutenberg text)
Beechenbrook: A Rhyme of the War (Richmond: J. W. Randolph, 1865) by Margaret Junkin Preston (HTML and TEI at UNC)
Before Adam by Jack London
illustrated HTML at Berkeley
Gutenberg text
Behind a Mask: or, A Woman’s Power by Louisa May Alcott (HTML at Virginia)
Ben-Hur: A Tale of the Christ by Lew Wallace
Gutenberg text; unofficial until 30 Apr 2000
text at
Benito Cereno by Herman Melville (HTML at )
Betty Zane by Zane Grey (Gutenberg text)
Between Whiles by Helen Hunt Jackson (page images at MOA)
Beyond the Horizon by Eugene O’Neill (HTML at Bartleby)
Billy Budd by Herman Melville (HTML at Bibliomania)
Biography and Poetical Remains of the Late Margaret Miller Davidson by Margaret Miller Davidson (page images at MOA)
Bits of Gossip by Rebecca Harding Davis (HTML and TEI at UNC)
Bitter-Sweet: A Poem by J. G. Holland (page images at MOA)
Blix by Frank Norris (Gutenberg text)
Bloom / Blood: A Commemorative Poem in Three Parts by Joe Napora (HTML at Light and Dust)
Blue Fairy Book by Andrew Lang (illustrated HTML at Virginia)
Born Again by Alfred Lawson (HTML at
Bound to Rise by Horatio Alger (illustrated HTML at Virginia)
Breakers and Granite by John Gould Fletcher (HTML and SGML at Michigan)
Brewster’s Millions by George Barr McCutcheon (HTML at Naked Word)
Bronchial Tangle, Heart System by Robert Peters (HTML at CAPA)
Burning Daylight by Jack London
illustrated HTML at Berkeley
Gutenberg text
Burrowing In, Digging Out by Rose Drachler (HTML at Light and Dust)
Buttered Side Down by Edna Ferber (illustrated HTML at Virginia)
By Shore and Sedge by Bret Harte (Gutenberg text; unofficial until 31 May 2000)
Cabin Fever by B. M. Bower (Gutenberg text)
Can Such Things Be? by Ambrose Bierce
HTML at Virginia
text at Wiretap
Captain Salt in Oz by Ruth Plumly Thompson (text at )
Caravan by Stephen Goldin (page images at )
Cast Upon the Breakers by Horatio Alger (Gutenberg text)
Cataloging Internet Resources: A Manual and Practical Guide (second edition) , ed. by Nancy B. Olson (HTML at OCLC)
Chameleon’s Cadmium by Janet Rodney (illustrated HTML at Light and Dust)
Chapters From My Autobiography by Mark Twain (HTML at
Charlotte Temple by Susanna Rowson, ed. by Cathy Davidson (Gutenberg text)
Chicago Poems by Carl Sandburg
HTML at Bartleby
HTML with commentary at
text at Wiretap
Children of the Frost by Jack London (HTML at Berkeley)
Chin Chin Kobakama , trans. by Lafcadio Hearn (illustrated HTML at
Chita: A Memory of Last Island by Lafcadio Hearn (Gutenberg text)
Christmas Tales and Christmas Verse by Eugene Field (page images at MOA)
City Ballads by Will Carleton (page images at MOA)
City Festivals by Will Carleton (page images at MOA)
City Legends by Will Carleton (page images at MOA)
Clotel, or The President’s Daughter (1835 edition) by William Wells Brown (Gutenberg text)
Clotelle, or The Colored Heroine by William Wells Brown (Gutenberg text)
Cloth of Gold and Other Poems by Thomas Bailey Aldrich (page images at MOA)
Cobb’s Anatomy by Irvin S. Cobb (Gutenberg text)
Collected Poems. (with bibliography) by Edwin Honig (HTML at CAPA)
Colonel Carter of Cartersville by Francis Hopkinson Smith (illustrated HTML and TEI at UNC)
Come Live My Life by Robert H. Rimmer (page images at )
Complete on-line works. by Clark Ashton Smith (HTML at )
Complete On-Line Works. by Ring Lardner (illustrated HTML at Eldritch Press)
Condensed Novels by Bret Harte (Gutenberg text; unofficial until 31 Aug 2000)
Condensed Novels Second Series: New Burlesques by Bret Harte (Gutenberg text; unofficial until 31 Aug 2000)
Confidence by Henry James (HTML at Virginia)
Contending Forces: A Romance Illustrative of Negro Life North and South by Pauline E. Hopkins (illustrated HTML at )
Cord and Creese by James De Mille (page images at )
Cornhuskers by Carl Sandburg
HTML at Bartleby
HTML and SGML at Michigan
Cow-Country by B. M. Bower (Gutenberg text)
Custer, and Other Poems by Ella Wheeler Wilcox
HTML and SGML at Michigan
page images at MOA
Daddy-Long-Legs by Jean Webster (Gutenberg text)
Daisy Miller by Henry James
illustrated HTML at Eldritch Press
Gutenberg text
Damaged Goods by Upton Sinclair and Eugene Brieux (Gutenberg text)
Dangerous Days by Mary Roberts Rinehart (Gutenberg text)
Darkness and Dawn , ed. by George Allan England (HTML at )
Dartmouth Lyrics by Richard Hovey (page images at MOA)
Dawn O’Hara, the Girl who Laughed by Edna Ferber
HTML at Virginia
Gutenberg text
Dear Enemy by Jean Webster (Gutenberg text)
Deck by Benjamin Saltman (HTML at CAPA)
Democracy: An American Novel by Henry Adams (illustrated HTML at Eldritch Press)
De Profundis by Oscar Wilde (Gutenberg text)
Dermot MacMorrogh, or, The Conquest of Ireland by John Quincy Adams (page images at MOA)
Descriptive Sketches of Nova Scotia, in Prose and Verse (Halifax: A. & W. MacKinlay, 1864) by Elizabeth Frame (page images at )
Desert Gold: A Romance of the Border by Zane Grey (Gutenberg text)
Dialect Tales by Katherine Sherwood Bonner McDowell (illustrated HTML and TEI at UNC)
Dis, Dat an’ Tutter: Poems by Eliott Blaine Henderson (HTML and SGML at Michigan)
Dorothy and the Wizard in Oz by L. Frank Baum (Gutenberg text)
Dozens: A Poem by David R. Slavitt (HTML at CAPA)
Dream Protocols by Lee Ballentine, contrib. by Richard Kadrey (PDF at Probook)
Dreams & Dust by Don Marquis
HTML at Virginia
Gutenberg text
Dreams of Life: Miscellaneous Poems by Timothy Thomas Fortune (HTML and SGML at Michigan)
Drift From Two Shores by Bret Harte (Gutenberg text; unofficial until 31 May 2000)
Driftwood by Olivia Bush-Banks (HTML at )
Dust, and Short Works by Marcet Haldeman-Julius and Emanuel Haldeman-Julius (HTML at
Dutch Courage and Other Stories by Jack London (illustrated HTML at Berkeley)
Early and Late Poems of Alice and Phoebe Cary by Alice Cary and Phoebe Cary (page images at MOA)
East and West: Poems by Bret Harte (page images at MOA)
Eclipse by Halvard Johnson (HTML at CAPA)
Editorials from the Hearst Newspapers by Arthur Brisbane
HTML at Virginia
Gutenberg text
Eggs in the Lake by Daniela Gioseffi (HTML at CAPA)
Elinor Wyllys (with commentary) by Susan Fenimore Cooper, ed. by James Fenimore Cooper
volume 1: Gutenberg text
volume 2: Gutenberg text
Eliot: A Poem by William Ellery Channing (page images at MOA)
Emma McChesney & Co. by Edna Ferber (Gutenberg text)
English Traits by Ralph Waldo Emerson (text at )
Episodes in Van Bibber’s Life by Richard Harding Davis (Gutenberg text)
Equinox and Other Poems by David R. Slavitt (HTML at CAPA)
Erewhon Revisited by Samuel Butler (Gutenberg text)
Essays by Ralph Waldo Emerson (HTML at )
Essays: Including Biographies and Miscellaneous Pieces, in Prose and Poetry by Ann Plato (illustrated HTML at )
Essays: Second Series by Ralph Waldo Emerson (text at )
Essays and Poems by Jones Very
HTML and SGML at Michigan
page images at MOA
Esther, a Sacred Drama; With Judith, a Poem (Boston: J. Dowe, 1840) by Eliza Lanesford Foster Cushing (page images at )
Ethan Frome by Edith Wharton (HTML at )
Ethiope Lays by Priscilla Jane Thompson
illustrated HTML at
HTML and SGML at Michigan
Evangeline by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
illustrated HTML at Virginia
Gutenberg text
Eve’s Diary by Mark Twain, illust. by Lester Ralph (illustrated HTML at
Extracts From Adam’s Diary by Mark Twain, illust. by Frederick Strothmann (illustrated HTML at
Extracts From Adam’s Diary by Mark Twain (Gutenberg text)
Extract From Captain Stormfield’s Visit to Heaven by Mark Twain (Gutenberg text)
Fanny Herself by Edna Ferber (illustrated HTML at Virginia)
Fantastic Fables by Ambrose Bierce (Gutenberg text)
Farm Ballads by Will Carleton (HTML and SGML at Michigan)
Farm Festivals by Will Carleton (HTML and SGML at Michigan)
Fern Leaves from Fanny’s Portfolio by Fanny Fern (illustrated HTML at GeoCities)
Field Stones by Robert Kinsley (HTML at )
Fifty Years & Other Poems by James Weldon Johnson (HTML and SGML at Michigan)
Fisherman’s Luck and Some Other Uncertain Things by Henry Van Dyke (Gutenberg text)
Five Thousand Miles Underground, or, The Mystery of the Centre of the Earth by Roy Rockwood (HTML at Naked Word)
Flame and Shadow by Sara Teasdale
HTML and SGML at Michigan
Gutenberg text
Flower Fables by Louisa May Alcott (Gutenberg text)
Flying U Ranch by B. M. Bower (Gutenberg text)
Forest Buds, From the Woods of Maine by Elizabeth Akers Allen (page images at MOA)
For Your Sweet Sake: Poems by James E. McGirt (HTML and SGML at Michigan)
Four Incarnations: New and Selected Poems, 1957-1991 by Robert Sward (HTML at CAPA)
Four Springs by Edwin Honig (HTML at CAPA)
Frances Waldeaux by Rebecca Harding Davis (HTML at Virginia)
Frank’s Campaign: or, The Farm and the Camp by Horatio Alger (Gutenberg text)
Freckles by Gene Stratton-Porter (text at Wiretap)
Free Joe, and Other Georgian Sketches by Joel Chandler Harris (HTML and TEI at UNC)
From Gobbler’s Knob by Philip Paradis (HTML at CAPA)
Gabriel West, and Other Poems (1866) by Margaret Gill Currie (page images at )
Gadget Man by Ron Goulart (HTML at BiblioBytes)
Gala-Days (Boston: Ticknor and Fields, 1863) by Gail Hamilton
HTML at GeoCities
Gutenberg text; unofficial until 30 Nov 2000
Garnered Sheaves: The Complete Poetical Works of J. G. Holland by J. G. Holland (page images at MOA)
Gawayne and the Green Knight: A Fairy Tale by Charlton Miner Lewis (HTML at Rochester)
General William Booth Enters Into Heaven and Other Poems by Vachel Lindsay
HTML and SGML at Michigan
Gutenberg text
Georgia Scenes, Characters, Incidents, &c., in the First Half Century of the Republic by Augustus Baldwin Longstreet (illustrated HTML and TEI at UNC)
Gleanings by Lydia Howard Sigourney (page images at MOA)
Gleanings of Quiet Hours by Priscilla Jane Thompson
illustrated HTML at
HTML and SGML at Michigan
Glinda of Oz by L. Frank Baum (Gutenberg text)
Goblins and Pagodas by John Gould Fletcher (page images at MOA)
Good Wives (part 2 of Little Women) by Louisa May Alcott (HTML at Bibliomania)
Graffiti d’Italia by William Wetmore Story (page images at MOA)
Grandmother’s Story, and Other Poems by Oliver Wendell Holmes (page images at MOA)
Grand’ther Baldwin’s Thanksgiving, With Other Ballads and Poems by Horatio Alger (Gutenberg text)
Gullible’s Travels, Etc. by Ring Lardner (HTML at Eldritch Press)
Halo by Tom Maddox (text files at WELL Gopher)
Handy Mandy in Oz by Ruth Plumly Thompson (text at
Hans Breitmann’s Party, With Other Ballads by Charles Godfrey Leland (page images at MOA)
Harlem Shadows: The Poems of Claude McKay by Claude McKay (HTML at GeoCities)
Hawkes Scrapbook: A New Taste in Literature by John Hawkes, ed. by C. W. Tazwell (HTML at
Hawthorne by Henry James (HTML at Eldritch Press)
Haydon: An Artist’s Life by Robert Peters (HTML at CAPA)
He and She: or, A Poet’s Portfolio by William Wetmore Story (page images at MOA)
He Fell in Love With His Wife by Edward Payson Roe (Gutenberg text; unofficial until 31 Aug 2000)
Helen of Troy, and Other Poems by Sara Teasdale (Gutenberg text)
Hell fer Sartain and Other Stories by John Fox (HTML at Virginia)
Herakles by George Cabot Lodge (page images at MOA)
Herds by Stephen Goldin (page images at )
Her Father’s Daughter by Gene Stratton-Porter (Gutenberg text)
Her First Appearance by Richard Harding Davis (HTML at Virginia)
Herland by Charlotte Perkins Gilman (Gutenberg text)
Hermione and Her Little Group of Serious Thinkers by Don Marquis (Gutenberg text)
Hermione, and Other Poems by Edward Rowland Sill (HTML and SGML at Michigan)
Her Prairie Knight, and Rowdy of the “Cross L” by B. M. Bower
part 1: Gutenberg text
part 2: Gutenberg text
Hide and Seek by Rochelle Ratner (illustrated HTML at Light and Dust)
Hills of Song by Clinton Scollard (page images at MOA)
His Own People by Booth Tarkington (Gutenberg text; unofficial until 30 Sep 2000)
His Pa’s Romance by James Whitcomb Riley (HTML and SGML at Michigan)
History as Literature, and Other Essays by Theodore Roosevelt (HTML at Bartleby)
Holy Cow: Parable Poems by Robert Peters (HTML at CAPA)
Home Ballads and Poems by John Greenleaf Whittier (page images at MOA)
House of Kidz by Colin Cohen (HTML at )
Howard Pyle’s Book of Pirates by Howard Pyle (Gutenberg text)
Howdy, Honey, Howdy by Paul Laurence Dunbar, illust. by Leigh Richmond Miner (illustrated HTML at Wright)
How Salvator Won and Other Recitations by Ella Wheeler Wilcox (page images at MOA)
Hymen by H. D. (local HTML)
Hymns of the Marshes by Sidney Lanier (HTML at Geocities)
Hyperion: A Romance by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (page images at MOA)
Idyl of Work by Lucy Larcom
HTML and SGML at Michigan
page images at MOA
Idyls and Lyrics of the Ohio Valley by John James Piatt (page images at MOA)
Idyls and Pastorals by Celia Thaxter (page images at MOA)
Illustrated Poems by Lydia Howard Sigourney, illust. by Felix O. C. Darley (illustrated HTML and SGML at Michigan)
Illustrated Poems of Oliver Wendell Holmes by Oliver Wendell Holmes (page images at MOA)
Imperium in Imperio by Sutton Elbert Griggs (illustrated HTML at Virginia)
In a Hollow of the Hills by Bret Harte (Gutenberg text; unofficial until 31 May 2000)
Infatuation by Park Benjamin (page images at MOA)
Infelicia by Adah Isaacs Menken
illustrated HTML at
HTML and SGML at Michigan
In His Steps by Charles M. Sheldon (HTML at Kansas)
Initials Only by Anna Katharine Green (Gutenberg text)
In Memory of the Future by Jascha Kessler (HTML at CAPA)
In Ole Virginia, or, Marse Chan and Other Stories by Thomas Nelson Page (HTML and TEI at UNC)
In Simpkinsville: Character Tales by Ruth McEnery Stuart (HTML and TEI at UNC)
In the Bishop’s Carriage by Miriam Michelson (illustrated HTML at Virginia)
In the Cage by Henry James
HTML at New Paltz
Gutenberg text
In the Carquinez Woods by Bret Harte (Gutenberg text; unofficial until 30 Sep 2000)
In the Harbor: Ultima Thule by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (page images at MOA)
In the Land of the Living Dead: An Occult Story by Prentiss Tucker (HTML at )
In the Solar Wind by Wendy Battin (HTML at CAPA)
In the Tennessee Mountains by Mary Noialles Murfree (HTML and TEI at UNC)
Iola Leroy: or, Shadows Uplifted by Frances Ellen Watkins Harper
page images at MOA
Irradiations, Sand and Spray by John Gould Fletcher (page images at MOA)
Island Tales by Jack London (Gutenberg text; unofficial until 30 Apr 2000)
Isobel: A Romance of the Northern Trail by James Oliver Curwood (HTML at Naked Word)
Jaguar by Bill Ransom (HTML at
Japanese Prints by John Gould Fletcher (HTML and SGML at Michigan)
Jerry of the Islands by Jack London
HTML at Berkeley
Gutenberg text
John Barleycorn by Jack London
illustrated HTML at Berkeley
Gutenberg text
John Dough and the Cherub by L. Frank Baum (text in Australia)
John Greenleaf Whittier: A Sketch of His Life, With Selected Poems by Bliss Perry and John Greenleaf Whittier (HTML and SGML at Michigan)
John March, Southerner by George W. Cable (HTML and TEI at UNC)
Judith and Holofernes by Thomas Bailey Aldrich (page images at MOA)
Jungle Tales of Tarzan by Edgar Rice Burroughs
text at Wiretap
Jurgen: A Comedy of Justice by James Branch Cabell (HTML and TEI at UNC)
Just David by Eleanor H. Porter (Gutenberg text)
Just Folks by Edgar Guest (Gutenberg text)
Kansas Women in Literature by Nettie Garmer Barker
illustrated HTML at Virginia
Gutenberg text
Kathrina: Her Life and Mine, in a Poem by J. G. Holland (page images at MOA)
Kentucky Poems by Madison Julius Cawein (HTML and SGML at Michigan)
Keramos, and Other Poems by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (page images at MOA)
Keziah Coffin by Joseph Crosby Lincoln (Gutenberg text; unofficial until 29 Feb 2000)
Kissing the Dancer & Other Poems by Robert Sward (HTML at CAPA)
Knight Life by Peter David (HTML at BiblioBytes)
Kwaidan: Stories and Studies of Strange Things by Lafcadio Hearn (Gutenberg text)
Laddie: A True Blue Story by Gene Stratton-Porter (HTML at Virginia)
Lady Baltimore by Owen Wister (Gutenberg text)
Lady Freedom Among Us by Rita Dove (HTML with multimedia and commentary at Virginia)
Lahoma by John Breckenridge Ellis (Gutenberg text)
Landed Natures by George Economou (HTML at Light and Dust)
Landmarks: The Lost Farm and Other Poems by John James Piatt (page images at MOA)
Landscape of Demons, and The Book of Sara by Gabriel Devlin Kessler (HTML at Millenium Press)
Lars: A Pastoral of Norway by Bayard Taylor (page images at MOA)
Last Poems of James Russell Lowell by James Russell Lowell (page images at MOA)
Later Lyrics: Selected from Mercedes, The Sisters’ tragedy, Wyndham Towers and Unguarded Gates by Thomas Bailey Aldrich (page images at MOA)
Lavender and Old Lace by Myrtle Reed (Gutenberg text)
Leaves of Grass (1855 edition, with commentary) by Walt Whitman (SGML and partial HTML at Virginia)
Leaves of Grass (1881-82 edition) by Walt Whitman
frame-dependent HTML with commentary at Virginia
simpler HTML at Virginia
Leaves of Grass (based on post-1855 editions) by Walt Whitman
HTML at Bartleby
Leaves of Grass (deathbed edition of 1891-92) by Walt Whitman
frame-dependent HTML at Virginia
simpler HTML at Virginia
Legends of New-England by John Greenleaf Whittier (HTML and SGML at Michigan)
Legends of the Province House by Nathaniel Hawthorne (HTML at Virginia)
Liber Amoris: or, The New Pygmalion by William Hazlitt (Gutenberg text)
Life at Laurel Town in Anglo-Saxon Kansas (1936 edition) by Kate Stephens (illustrated HTML with commentary at Kansas)
Life in the Iron-Mills by Rebecca Harding Davis (Gutenberg text)
Life on the Mississippi by Mark Twain (Gutenberg text)
Life on the Mississippi (Boston: James R. Osgood and Company, 1883) by Mark Twain (illustrated HTML and TEI at UNC)
Life Without Principle by Henry David Thoreau (text at )
Light: A Narrative Poem by Joaquin Miller (illustrated HTML and SGML at Michigan)
Li’l’ Gal by Paul Laurence Dunbar, illust. by Leigh Richmond Miner (illustrated HTML at Wright)
Lincoln and Other Poems by Edwin Markham (page images at MOA)
Linda Condon by Joseph Hergesheimer (PDF at In Parentheses)
Linden Rhymes (Halifax: E.G. Fuller, 1854) by Maude Alma (page images at )
Lin McLean by Owen Wister (Gutenberg text)
Literary Ethics: An Oration Delivered Before the Literary Societies of Dartmouth College, July 24, 1838 by Ralph Waldo Emerson (HTML at )
Little Lord Fauntleroy by Frances Hodgson Burnett
illustrated HTML at Virginia
Gutenberg text
Little Men by Louisa May Alcott (HTML at Celebration of Women Writers)
Little Rivers: A Book of Essays in Profitable Idleness by Henry Van Dyke (Gutenberg text)
Little Susy’s Six Birthdays by Elizabeth Prentiss (illustrated HTML at Tripod)
Little Women (UK version: Part 1 of US version) by Louisa May Alcott (HTML at Bibliomania)
Little Women (US version: includes ‘Good Wives’) by Louisa May Alcott (Gutenberg text)
Loew’s Bridge: A Broadway Idyl by Mary Eliza Tucker
illustrated HTML at
HTML and SGML at Michigan
Lost Face by Jack London (HTML at Berkeley)
Love Ain’t Nothing But Sex Misspelled (1983 edition) by Harlan Ellison (HTML at BiblioBytes)
Love Me Tomorrow by Robert H. Rimmer (page images at )
Love of Life, and Other Stories by Jack London
HTML at Berkeley
Gutenberg text
Love Songs by Sara Teasdale (Gutenberg text)
Love-Songs of Childhood by Eugene Field (page images at MOA)
Lullaby Land: Songs of Childhood by Eugene Field (page images at MOA)
Lyrics (7th edition, 1909) by John B. Tabb (HTML and SGML at Michigan)
Lyrics and other poems by Richard Watson Gilder (page images at MOA)
Lyrics for a Lute by Frank Dempster Sherman (page images at MOA)
Lyrics of Joy by Frank Dempster Sherman (HTML and SGML at Michigan)
Lyrics of Life and Love by William Stanley Braithwaite (HTML and SGML at Michigan)
Lyrics of Lowly Life by Paul Laurence Dunbar
HTML and SGML at Michigan
HTML at Wright
Lyrics of Sunshine and Shadow by Paul Laurence Dunbar (HTML and SGML at Michigan)
Mabel Martin: A Harvest Idyl by John Greenleaf Whittier (page images at MOA)
Mackinac and Lake Stories (New York: Harper & Bros., c1899) by Mary Hartwell Catherwood (page images at )
Madame de Treymes by Edith Wharton (illustrated HTML at Virginia)
Mae Madden by Mary Murdoch Mason
page images at MOA
Gutenberg text
Maggie, a Girl of the Streets by Stephen Crane (Gutenberg text)
Magnolia Leaves by Mary Weston Fordham
HTML and SGML at Michigan
Making Space For Our Living by James Bertolino (HTML at CAPA)
Main Street by Sinclair Lewis
HTML at Virginia
Gutenberg text
Main Street, and Other Poems (Doran, 1917) by Joyce Kilmer
HTML and SGML at Michigan
Gutenberg text
Malbone: An Oldport Romance by Thomas Wentworth Higginson
HTML at Virginia
Gutenberg text
Man the Reformer by Ralph Waldo Emerson (HTML at )
Margret Howth: A Story of To-day (second edition) by Rebecca Harding Davis
illustrated HTML at Virginia
Gutenberg text
Marion Harland’s Autobiography: The Story of a Long Life by Marion Harland (HTML and TEI at UNC)
Mark Twain’s Speeches by Mark Twain (HTML at
Martin Eden by Jack London
HTML at Berkeley
Gutenberg text
Maruja by Bret Harte (Gutenberg text; unofficial until 31 May 2000)
Maryland, My Maryland, and Other Poems by James Ryder Randall (page images at MOA)
Mary Marie by Eleanor H. Porter, illust. by Helen Mason Grose (illustrated HTML at Virginia)
McTeague, A Story of San Francisco by Frank Norris
HTML with commentary at
Gutenberg text
Mechitza by Karen Alkalay-Gut (HTML at CAPA)
Megda by Emma Dunham Kelley (HTML at )
Melanie and Other Poems by Nathaniel Parker Willis (page images at MOA)
Melodies, Duets, Trios, Songs, and Ballads by Samuel Woodworth (page images at MOA)
Memoir and Poems of Phillis Wheatley, a Native African and Slave (Boston: Published by Geo. W. Light, 1834) by Phillis Wheatley and Margaretta Matilda Odell (illustrated HTML and TEI at UNC)
Memoirs of Anne C. L. Botta by Anne C. Lynch Botta (page images at MOA)
Memories of Jane Cunningham Croly, “Jenny June” by Women’s Press Club of New York City, contrib. by Jane Cunningham Croly (illustrated HTML at LOC)
Men of Iron by Howard Pyle
illustrated HTML at Virginia
Gutenberg text
Men, Women and Ghosts by Amy Lowell (Gutenberg text)
Mercedes: A Drama in Two Acts by Thomas Bailey Aldrich (page images at MOA)
Merlin by Edwin Arlington Robinson (HTML at Rochester)
Merry Tales by Mark Twain (HTML at
Michael, Brother of Jerry by Jack London
HTML at Berkeley
Gutenberg text
Mindflight by Stephen Goldin (page images at )
Minions of the Moon: A Little Book of Song and Story by Madison Julius Cawein (HTML and SGML at Michigan)
Miriam: A Dramatic Poem by Louisa J. Hall
HTML and SGML at Michigan
page images at MOA
Miss Civilization: A Comedy in One Act by Richard Harding Davis (Gutenberg text)
Miss Lulu Bett (stage play) by Zona Gale (local HTML)
Moby Dick by Herman Melville
HTML at Virginia
text at Wiretap; 1.2 MB
zipped Gutenberg text
Modern American Poetry: An Introduction (1919 edition) , ed. by Louis Untermeyer (HTML at Bartleby)
Monsieur Beaucaire by Booth Tarkington (Gutenberg text)
Monsieur Motte by Grace Elizabeth King (HTML and TEI at UNC)
Moon-Face, and Other Stories by Jack London
HTML at Berkeley
Gutenberg text
Moon Walk 1835: Was Neil Armstrong Really the First Man on the Moon? (1990 edition of Locke’s “Great Astronomical Discoveries…”) by Richard Adams Locke, ed. by C. W. Tazwell (HTML at
Moran of the Lady Letty by Frank Norris (Gutenberg text)
Mosses from an Old Manse by Nathaniel Hawthorne (HTML at Eldritch Press)
Mother by Owen Wister (Gutenberg text)
Mother: A Story by Kathleen Norris (HTML at Naked Word)
Mountain Interval by Robert Frost (HTML at Bartleby)
Mrs. Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch by Alice Caldwell Hegan Rice (HTML at Naked Word)
Mudfog and Other Sketches by Charles Dickens (Gutenberg text)
Mugby Junction by Charles Dickens (Gutenberg text)
My Antonia by Willa Cather (Gutenberg text)
My Favorite Murder by Ambrose Bierce (HTML at Virginia)
My Mark Twain by William Dean Howells (HTML at
My Robin by Frances Hodgson Burnett (local HTML)
My Garden Acquaintance; A Good Word for Winter; A Moosehead Journal by James Russell Lowell (page images at MOA)
My Little Sister by Elizabeth Robins (HTML at Jacksonville State)
Myth and Romance by Madison Julius Cawein (page images at MOA)
Nathaniel Hawthorne and His Wife: A Biography by Julian Hawthorne (illustrated HTML and commentary at Eldritch Press)
Nature and Art: A Poem by William Wetmore Story (page images at MOA)
Nature, Addresses, and Lectures by Ralph Waldo Emerson (HTML at )
Nature-Notes and Impressions, in Prose and Verse by Madison Julius Cawein (HTML and SGML at Michigan)
Navigable Waterways by Pamela Alexander (HTML at CAPA)
New Chronicles of Rebecca by Kate Douglas Wiggin (Gutenberg text)
New Poems by Madison Julius Cawein (HTML and SGML at Michigan)
Night of Power (1994 edition) by Spider Robinson (HTML at BiblioBytes)
Night of the Dragon’s Blood (electronic edition) by Ronald L. Ecker (HTML at )
Nineveh, and Other Poems by George Sylvester Viereck (HTML and SGML at Michigan)
Northern Georgia Sketches by Will Nathaniel Harben (HTML and TEI at UNC)
North of Boston by Robert Frost (HTML at Bartleby)
Not a Man, and Yet a Man by Albery A. Whitman (HTML and SGML at Michigan)
Not Be Essence That Cannot Be (with additional poems) by Rochelle Owens (at Light and Dust)
Nothing to Do: A Tilt at Our Best Society by Horatio Alger (illustrated HTML at Virginia)
Old and New World Lyrics by Clinton Scollard (page images at MOA)
Old Caravan Days (Boston: D. Lothrop, c1884) by Mary Hartwell Catherwood (page images at )
Old Creole Days by George W. Cable
text at the English Server
Old-Fashioned Roses by James Whitcomb Riley (page images at MOA)
Old Kaskaskia (Boston: Houghton, Mifflin, 1893) by Mary Hartwell Catherwood (page images at )
On Basilisk Station by David M. Weber (HTML at )
One Basket: Thirty-One Short Stories by Edna Ferber (Gutenberg text)
One Man’s Initiation: 1917 (1920 edition) by John Dos Passos (HTML at Eldritch Press)
One of Ours by Willa Cather (Gutenberg text; unofficial until 31 Oct 2000)
On the Makaloa Mat by Jack London (HTML at Berkeley)
O Pioneers! by Willa Cather (Gutenberg text)
Options by O. Henry (Gutenberg text)
Original Poems by Olivia Bush-Banks (local HTML)
Other Things Being Equal by Emma Wolf (Gutenberg text)
Our Little Harry, and Other Poems and Stories by T. S. Arthur (page images at MOA)
Our Mr. Wrenn by Sinclair Lewis
text at English Server
text at Wiretap
Our Nig: or, Sketches from the Life of a Free Black by Harriet E. Wilson
HTML at Virginia
Gutenberg text
Our Old Home: A Series of English Sketches (Boston: Houghton, Mifflin and Co., 1883) by Nathaniel Hawthorne (HTML at Eldritch Press)
Out of Time’s Abyss by Edgar Rice Burroughs (Gutenberg text)
Ovid’s Elegies by Ovid, trans. by Christopher Marlowe (HTML at Perseus)
Ozma of Oz by L. Frank Baum (Gutenberg text)
Ozoplaning with the Wizard of Oz by Ruth Plumly Thompson (text at )
Padre Ignacio by Owen Wister (Gutenberg text)
Painted Windows by Elia Wilkinson Peattie (Gutenberg text)
PAL (Perspectives in American Literature): A Research and Reference Guide (electronic edition) by Paul P. Reuben (HTML at )
Parable of the Sower by Octavia Butler (HTML at BiblioBytes)
Parnassus on Wheels by Christopher Morley
page images at MOA
text at Wiretap
Passages from the American Note-Books of Nathaniel Hawthorne (Boston: Houghton, Mifflin, 1868, 1883) by Nathaniel Hawthorne, ed. by Sophia Hawthorne
HTML at Eldritch Press
HTML with commentary at Eldritch Press
Paul Prescott’s Charge by Horatio Alger (illustrated HTML at Virginia)
Penelope’s Experiences in Scotland by Kate Douglas Wiggin (Gutenberg text)
Penelope’s Irish Experiences by Kate Douglas Wiggin (Gutenberg text)
Penelope’s Postscripts by Kate Douglas Wiggin (Gutenberg text)
Penrod by Booth Tarkington (illustrated HTML at Virginia)
Penrod and Sam by Booth Tarkington (Gutenberg text)
Personal Recollections of Joan of Arc by Mark Twain (HTML at )
Personal Recollections of Nathaniel Hawthorne by Horatio Bridge (HTML at Eldritch Press)
Peter Parley’s Juvenile Tales (1855) by Samuel Griswold Goodrich (illustrated HTML at GeoCities)
Peter Parley’s Story of the Little Gardener by Samuel Griswold Goodrich (illustrated HTML at GeoCities)
Peter Parley’s Winter Evening Tales by Samuel Griswold Goodrich (illustrated HTML at GeoCities)
Phase Language by Lee Ballentine (PDF at Probook)
Philo: An Evangeliad by Sylvester Judd (page images at MOA)
Philosophy 4 by Owen Wister (HTML with commentary at )
Phoenixiana: or, Sketches and Burlesques by George Horatio Derby (illustrated HTML at LOC)
Pigs Is Pigs by Ellis Parker Butler (Gutenberg text)
Pike County Ballads and Other Pieces by John Hay (page images at MOA)
Pirate’s Song by Rochelle Ratner (HTML at CAPA)
Plea of the Negro Soldier, and a Hundred Other Poems by Charles Frederick White (HTML and SGML at Michigan)
Pocahontas, and Other Poems by Lydia Howard Sigourney (page images at MOA)
Poem Delivered Before the Connecticut Alpha of the Phi Beta Kappa Society, September 13, 1825 by James Gates Percival (page images at MOA)
Poem Outlines by Sidney Lanier (HTML and SGML at Michigan)
Poems by Bret Harte (page images at MOA)
Poems by Elizabeth Stoddard (page images at MOA)
Poems by Frances Sargent Locke Osgood (page images at MOA)
Poems by James Gates Percival (HTML and SGML at Michigan)
Poems by John Hay (page images at MOA)
Poems by Lucy Larcom (page images at MOA)
Poems by Lydia Howard Sigourney (page images at MOA)
Poems by William Cullen Bryant (HTML and SGML at Michigan)
Poems (1849 edition) by James Thomas Fields (page images at MOA)
Poems (1850) by John Greenleaf Whittier (page images at MOA)
Poems (1851 edition) by Grace Greenwood
HTML and SGML at Michigan
page images at MOA
Poems (1852) by Anne C. Lynch Botta (HTML at Notre Dame)
Poems (1853 edition) by Oliver Wendell Holmes (page images at MOA)
Poems (1855 edition) by Thomas Buchanan Read (page images at MOA)
Poems (1860) by Henry Timrod (page images at MOA)
Poems (1861 edition) by Rose Terry Cooke (page images at MOA)
Poems (1871 edition) by Will Carleton (page images at MOA)
Poems (1873 edition) by William Dean Howells (page images at MOA)
Poems (1889 edition) by Edward Rowland Sill (page images at MOA)
Poems (1892) by Maurice Thompson (page images at MOA)
Poems (1893 edition) by Edward Rowland Sill (page images at MOA)
Poems (1893) by John Greenleaf Whittier (page images at MOA)
Poems (1899-1902) by George Cabot Lodge (HTML and SGML at Michigan)
Poems (1911) by Madison Julius Cawein (HTML and SGML at Michigan)
Poems (Montreal: J. Lovell, 1859) by Augusta Baldwyn (page images at )
Poems (Third Series, 1896 edition) by Emily Dickinson (HTML at Bartleby)
Poems by Alan Seeger
HTML and SGML at Michigan
Gutenberg text
Poems by Eloise A. Bibb
HTML and SGML at Michigan
Poems by Frances Ellen Watkins Harper
illustrated HTML at Virginia
Gutenberg text
Poems by H. Cordelia Ray (illustrated HTML at )
Poems About God by John Crowe Ransom (HTML and TEI at UNC)
Poems and Parodies by Phoebe Cary (page images at MOA)
Poems and Prose Writings by Richard Henry Dana (page images at MOA)
Poems and Stories (selected and edited for schools, 1912) by Bret Harte, ed. by Charles Swain Thomas (page images at MOA)
Poems by a Little Girl by Hilda Conkling
illustrated HTML at Virginia
Gutenberg text
Poems by Emily Dickinson (First Series, 1891 Edition) by Emily Dickinson (HTML and SGML at Michigan)
Poems by Emily Dickinson (Second Series, 1910 edition) by Emily Dickinson (HTML and SGML at Michigan)
Poems by Emily Dickinson (Third Series, 1914 edition) by Emily Dickinson (HTML and SGML at Michigan)
Poems by Hannah Flagg Gould
volume 1: HTML and SGML at Michigan
volume 2: HTML and SGML at Michigan
Poems by Mary Eliza Tucker
illustrated HTML at
HTML and SGML at Michigan
Poems by William Vaughn Moody
HTML and SGML at Michigan
page images at MOA
Poems for Children by Celia Thaxter (page images at MOA)
Poems Here at Home by James Whitcomb Riley (page images at MOA)
Poems: Medley and Palestina by J. W. De Forest (HTML and SGML at Michigan)
Poems Now First Collected by Edmund Clarence Stedman (page images at MOA)
Poems of House and Home by John James Piatt (page images at MOA)
Poems of James Russell Lowell by James Russell Lowell (page images at MOA)
Poems of Paul Hamilton Hayne by Paul Hamilton Hayne (page images at MOA)
Poems of Pleasure by Ella Wheeler Wilcox (page images at MOA)
Poems of Power by Ella Wheeler Wilcox (HTML and SGML at Michigan)
Poems of Religion and Society by John Quincy Adams (page images at MOA)
Poems of Sidney Lanier (1885 Scribner’s edition) by Sidney Lanier
HTML and SGML at Michigan
page images at MOA
Poems of Sidney Lanier (based on 1891 and 1916 editions) by Sidney Lanier (Gutenberg text)
Poems of Sidney Lanier, Edited By His Wife (1884 Scribner’s edition) by Sidney Lanier, ed. by Mary Day Lanier (HTML and TEI at UNC)
Poems of the Orient by Bayard Taylor (page images at MOA)
Poems on Various Subjects, Religious and Moral by Phillis Wheatley
HTML with line numbers at Oregon
illustrated HTML at
Gutenberg text
Poems: Patriotic, Religious, Miscellaneous (1884 edition) by Abram Joseph Ryan (HTML and SGML at Michigan)
Poems: Patriotic, Religious, Miscellaneous (based on the 1880 and 1896 editions) by Abram Joseph Ryan (Gutenberg text)
Poetical Remains of the Late Lucretia Maria Davidson by Lucretia Maria Davidson
HTML and SGML at Michigan
page images at MOA
Poetic Studies by Elizabeth Stuart Phelps (page images at MOA)
Poetry: A Satire by Park Benjamin (page images at MOA)
Poganuc People: Their Loves and Lives by Harriet Beecher Stowe (illustrated HTML at Virginia)
Pollyanna by Eleanor H. Porter
illustrated HTML at Virginia
Gutenberg text
Pollyanna Grows Up by Eleanor H. Porter, illust. by H. Weston Taylor (illustrated HTML at Virginia)
Ponkapog Papers by Thomas Bailey Aldrich (HTML at Virginia)
Poor Richard’s Almanack (1898 Century Company edition of selections) by Benjamin Franklin (frame-dependent page images at )
Prejudices: First Series by H. L. Mencken (HTML and TEI at UNC)
Pro Patria: Verses Chiefly Patriotic by Clinton Scollard (HTML and SGML at Michigan)
Proposition 31 by Robert H. Rimmer (page images at )
Prufrock, and Other Observations by T. S. Eliot
HTML at Bartleby
Gutenberg text
Pure Daughter by Debra Bruce (HTML at CAPA)
Ragged Dick by Horatio Alger
illustrated HTML at Virginia
text at Wiretap
Ralph Waldo Emerson: An Estimate of his Character and Genius: in Prose and Verse by Amos Bronson Alcott
HTML and SGML at Michigan
page images at MOA
Ramona by Helen Hunt Jackson (HTML at Naked Word)
Reality Inspector by John Caris (illustrated HTML at Westgate House)
Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm by Kate Douglas Wiggin (illustrated HTML at Virginia)
Recollections of a Southern Matron by Caroline Howard Gilman (HTML and TEI at UNC)
Remember the Alamo by Amelia E. Barr
illustrated HTML at Virginia
Renascence and Other Poems by Edna St. Vincent Millay
HTML at Bartleby
HTML and SGML at Michigan
Representative American Poetry (1916 edition) , ed. by William Stanley Braithwaite and Henry Thomas Schnittkind (page images at MOA)
Representative Men by Ralph Waldo Emerson (text at )
Retinue and Other Poems by Katharine Lee Bates (HTML and SGML at Michigan)
Revolution, and Other Essays by Jack London (HTML at Berkeley)
Rezánov by Gertrude Atherton
HTML at Virginia
Gutenberg text
R. H. D.: Appreciations of Richard Harding Davis
illustrated HTML at Virginia
Gutenberg text
Rhymes from the Cumberland by Effie Waller Smith (illustrated HTML at )
Rhymes of Childhood by James Whitcomb Riley (page images at MOA)
Rhymes of Our Planet by Will Carleton (page images at MOA)
Riders of the Purple Sage by Zane Grey
Gutenberg text
Riley Child Verse (illustrated by Ethel Franklin Betts) by James Whitcomb Riley (page images at MOA)
Riley Love-Lyrics by James Whitcomb Riley (page images at MOA)
Ringing Ballads, Including Curfew Must Not Ring Tonight by Rose Hartwick Thorpe (page images at MOA)
Rinkitink in Oz by L. Frank Baum (Gutenberg text)
Rip Van Winkle by Washington Irving (HTML with commentary at )
Rip Van Winkle and His Wonderful Nap by Edmund Clarence Stedman (page images at MOA)
Rising and Falling by William Matthews (HTML at CAPA)
Rivers to the Sea by Sara Teasdale (HTML and SGML at Michigan)
Roads of Destiny by O. Henry (Gutenberg text)
Robinson Crusoe: A New Fiction by Barbara Einzig (HTML at Light and Dust)
Rob of the Bowl: A Legend of St. Inigoe’s by John Pendleton Kennedy (HTML and TEI at UNC)
Roderick Hudson by Henry James (Gutenberg text)
Rolling Stones by O. Henry (page images at
Rollo Learning to Read by Jacob Abbott
illustrated HTML at GeoCities
text at GeoCities
Rose in Bloom by Louisa May Alcott (HTML at Celebration of Women Writers)
Rose of the Wind and Other Poems by Anna Hempstead Branch (HTML and SGML at Michigan)
Rose O’ the River by Kate Douglas Wiggin (Gutenberg text)
Roughing It by Mark Twain
illustrated HTML at LOC
illustrated HTML at Virginia
Rubaiyat of Doc Sifers by James Whitcomb Riley (page images at MOA)
Rudder Grange by Frank R. Stockton (Gutenberg text)
Runespear by Victor Milan and Melinda M. Snodgrass (HTML at BiblioBytes)
Sacred Poems by Nathaniel Parker Willis (page images at MOA)
Sara Crewe by Frances Hodgson Burnett
HTML at Virginia
text at Wiretap
Satires of Circumstance by Thomas Hardy (HTML at )
Sea Garden by H. D. (HTML and SGML at Michigan)
Seaward: An Elegy on the Death of Thomas William Parsons by Richard Hovey (page images at MOA)
Second April by Edna St. Vincent Millay
local HTML
Gutenberg text
Second Book of Verse by Eugene Field (page images at MOA)
Second Coming: A Novel (1997) by Jim Wills (HTML with commentary at
Selected Poems. (from multiple series) by Emily Dickinson (HTML at UMD)
Selected Poems by William J. Grayson by William J. Grayson, ed. by Mrs. William H. Armstrong (page images at MOA)
Select Poems of Sidney Lanier by Sidney Lanier, ed. by Morgan Callaway (Gutenberg text)
Selected Stories of Bret Harte by Bret Harte (Gutenberg text)
Selected Works. by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (HTML at Auburn)
Selected works and commentary. by Sarah Orne Jewett (HTML at Coe College)
Selected Works and Commentary. by Walt Whitman (at Virginia)
Selections from the American Poets , ed. by William Cullen Bryant (HTML and SGML at Michigan)
Self-Reliance by Ralph Waldo Emerson (HTML at )
Senlin: A Biography by Conrad Aiken (HTML at Geocities)
Seventeen by Booth Tarkington
HTML at Virginia
Gutenberg text
Shadows of Shasta by Joaquin Miller (page images at MOA)
Shells by Ella Wheeler Wilcox (page images at MOA)
Sidney Lanier by Edwin Mims (Gutenberg text)
Sight Unseen by Mary Roberts Rinehart (Gutenberg text)
Sister Carrie by Theodore Dreiser (HTML at Virginia)
Sketches of Southern Life by Frances Ellen Watkins Harper (HTML at Virginia)
Sketches of Young Couples by Charles Dickens (Gutenberg text)
Sketches of Young Gentlemen by Charles Dickens (Gutenberg text)
Sky Island by L. Frank Baum (text in Australia)
Smoke Bellew by Jack London (Gutenberg text)
Snow-Bound: A Winter Idyl by John Greenleaf Whittier
HTML at GeoCities
page images at MOA
Snow-Bound; The Tent on the Beach; Favorite Poems by John Greenleaf Whittier (page images at MOA)
Snow-Bound at Eagle’s by Bret Harte (Gutenberg text; unofficial until 31 Aug 2000)
Soldiers of Fortune by Richard Harding Davis (illustrated HTML at Virginia)
Some of the Rhymes of Ironquill (fifth edition, 1896) by Eugene Fitch Ware (HTML at Kansas)
Song of the Wolf by Scott C. S. Stone (page images at )
Songs and Poems by John Jay Chapman (HTML and SGML at Michigan)
Songs and Poems of the South by Alexander Beaufort Meek (page images at MOA)
Songs and Other Verse by Eugene Field (page images at MOA)
Songs and Sonnets, by Webster Ford by Edgar Lee Masters (HTML and SGML at Michigan)
Songs for Parents by John Farrar (Gutenberg text)
Songs from the Wayside by Clara Ann Thompson (illustrated HTML at )
Songs, Merry and Sad by John Charles McNeill
illustrated HTML at
Gutenberg text
Songs of Armageddon, and Other Poems by George Sylvester Viereck (HTML and SGML at Michigan)
Songs of Labor, and Other Poems (1851) by John Greenleaf Whittier (page images at MOA)
Songs of Labor, and Other Poems (1856) by John Greenleaf Whittier (page images at MOA)
Songs of Summer Lands by Joaquin Miller (page images at MOA)
Songs of Sunrise Lands by Clinton Scollard (page images at MOA)
Songs of the Months by Effie Waller Smith (illustrated HTML at )
Songs of the Sea and Lays of the Land by Charles Godfrey Leland (page images at MOA)
Songs of the Sierras by Joaquin Miller (page images at MOA)
Songs of the Soul by Joaquin Miller (page images at MOA)
Songs of Two Centuries by Will Carleton (page images at MOA)
Sonnets and Canzonets by Amos Bronson Alcott (HTML and SGML at Michigan)
Sonnets and Lyrics by Helen Hunt Jackson (page images at MOA)
Sonnets to Duse, and Other Poems by Sara Teasdale (HTML and SGML at Michigan)
Sour Grapes by William Carlos Williams (HTML at GeoCities)
Southern Poems, ed. by Charles William Kent (HTML and TEI at UNC)
South Sea Tales by Jack London
HTML at Berkeley
Gutenberg text
“Speaking of Operations–” by Irvin S. Cobb (Gutenberg text)
Spoon River Anthology by Edgar Lee Masters
Gutenberg text
Spoon River Anthology (1916 edition) by Edgar Lee Masters (HTML at Bartleby)
Strictly Business by O. Henry (Gutenberg text; unofficial until 30 Apr 2000)
Studies in Classic American Literature by D. H. Lawrence (HTML at Virginia)
Sudden Hunger by Debra Bruce (HTML at CAPA)
Suffrage Songs and Verses by Charlotte Perkins Gilman (local HTML)
Summer by Edith Wharton (Gutenberg text)
Susan Lenox: Her Fall and Rise by David Graham Phillips
volume I: illustrated HTML at Virginia
volume II: illustrated HTML at Virginia
Gutenberg text
Sut Lovingood: Yarns Spun by a “Nat’ral Born Durn’d Fool” by George Washington Harris (HTML and TEI at UNC)
Sword Blades and Poppy Seed by Amy Lowell (Gutenberg text)
Takes for Fifteen, or, Imagination and Heart by James Fenimore Cooper (Gutenberg text; unofficial until 31 Aug 2000)
Tale of the Sea, and Other Poems (Montreal: Dawson, 1870) by John Fraser (page images at )
Tales (New York: Wiley and Putnam, 1845) by Edgar Allan Poe (HTML and TEI at UNC)
Tales from Two Hemispheres by Hjalmar Hjorth Boyesen
illustrated HTML at Virginia
Gutenberg text
Tales of Men and Ghosts by Edith Wharton (illustrated HTML at Virginia)
Tales of New England by Sarah Orne Jewett (HTML at Coe College)
Tales of the Fish Patrol by Jack London
HTML at Berkeley
Gutenberg text
Tanglewood Tales by Nathaniel Hawthorne
HTML at Eldritch Press
Gutenberg text
Tarzan of the Apes by Edgar Rice Burroughs (HTML at CMU)
Tarzan the Terrible by Edgar Rice Burroughs (Gutenberg tex)
Tarzan the Untamed by Edgar Rice Burroughs (Gutenberg text)
Tattlings of a Retired Politician by Forrest Crissey (HTML at Naked Word)
Tender Buttons by Gertrude Stein (HTML at Bartleby)
Tenting at Stony Beach by Maria Louise Pool (HTML at )
Thankful Blossom by Bret Harte (Gutenberg text; unofficial until 31 May 2000)
That Girl From Boston by Robert H. Rimmer (page images at )
That New World, and Other Poems by Sarah M. B. Piatt (page images at MOA)
That Wife of Mine (Toronto: J.R. Robertson, 1877) by Mary Andrews Denison (page images at )
The $30,000 Bequest, and Other Stories by Mark Twain (Gutenberg text)
The Acorn-Planter by Jack London (HTML at Berkeley)
The Acorn Stories by Duane Simolke (page images at )
The Adventures of Colonel Daniel Boon by Daniel Boone and John Filson (Gutenberg text)
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (first edition and commentary) by Mark Twain (illustrated HTML at Virginia)
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain
text at Wiretap
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain
illustrated HTML at Virginia
HTML at Bibliomania
local HTML
The Affinities of Orpheus by Edwin Honig (HTML at CAPA)
The African Preacher: An Authentic Narrative (Philadelphia: Presbyterian board of publication, c1849) by William Spotswood White (illustrated HTML and TEI at UNC)
The After House by Mary Roberts Rinehart (Gutenberg text; unofficial until 31 Oct 2000)
The Age of Innocence by Edith Wharton (Gutenberg text)
The Agony Column by Earl Derr Biggers (Gutenberg text)
The Alhambra by Washington Irving
HTML in Australia
text at
The Altar of the Dead by Henry James (Gutenberg text)
The Amazing Interlude by Mary Roberts Rinehart (Gutenberg text)
The Ambassadors by Henry James
HTML at New Paltz
Gutenberg text
The American by Henry James (text at the English Server)
The American Female Poets, With Biographical and Critical Notices , ed. by Caroline May (HTML and SGML at Michigan)
The American Flag by Joseph Rodman Drake (page images at MOA)
The Anarchiad: A New England Poem by David Humphreys, Joel Barlow, John Trumbull, and Lemuel Hopkins (HTML and SGML at Michigan)
The Apocalypse Troll by David M. Weber (HTML at )
The Arrangement of Space by Martha Collins (HTML at CAPA)
The Art / The Veil by David Meltzer (illustrated HTML at Light and Dust)
The Aspern Papers by Henry James (Gutenberg text)
The Autobiography of an Ex-Colored Man by James Weldon Johnson (HTML at Eldritch Press)
The Autobiography of a Quack by S. Weir Mitchell (illustrated HTML at Virginia)
The Autocrat of the Breakfast-Table by Oliver Wendell Holmes (illustrated HTML at Eldritch Press)
The Awakening by Kate Chopin
illustrated HTML at Virginia
The Awakening, and Selected Short Stories by Kate Chopin (Gutenberg text)
The Awkward Age (1899 London edition) by Henry James (HTML and ASCII with commentary at Birmingham)
The Ballad of the Harp-Weaver by Edna St. Vincent Millay (local illustrated HTML)
The Bat: A Novel From the Play by Mary Roberts Rinehart, Avery Hopwood, and Stephen Vincent Benet (Gutenberg text)
The Battle-Ground by Ellen Anderson Gholson Glasgow (HTML and TEI at UNC)
The Beast in the Jungle by Henry James
HTML at Colorado and New Paltz
Gutenberg text
The Beasts of Tarzan by Edgar Rice Burroughs (local HTML)
The Birds’ Christmas Carol by Kate Douglas Wiggin (Gutenberg text)
The Black Cat by Edgar Allan Poe (HTML at Michigan)
The Black Riders, and Other Lines by Stephen Crane (HTML with commentary at GeoCities)
The Blameless Prince, and Other Poems by Edmund Clarence Stedman (page images at MOA)
The Blazed Trail by Stewart Edward White (HTML at Naked Word)
The Blithedale Romance by Nathaniel Hawthorne
HTML with commentary at Eldritch Press
Gutenberg text; unofficial until 29 Feb 2000
The Blood of the Prophets by Edgar Lee Masters (HTML and SGML at Michigan)
The Blue Flower by Henry Van Dyke
illustrated HTML at Virginia
Gutenberg text
The Blue Hotel by Stephen Crane (HTML at Virginina)
The Book of the Dead by George H. Boker (page images at MOA)
The Bookman Anthology of Verse (1922) , ed. by John Farrar (HTML at GeoCities)
The Bostonians by Henry James (HTML at New Paltz)
The Breaking Point by Mary Roberts Rinehart
text at English Server
Gutenberg text
The Breitmann Ballads by Charles Godfrey Leland (Gutenberg text)
The Brick Moon, and Other Stories by Edward Everett Hale
HTML at Virginia
Gutenberg text
The Building of the Ship, and Other pPoems by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (page images at MOA)
The Burial of the Guns by Thomas Nelson Page (Gutenberg text)
The Call of the Canyon by Zane Grey (Gutenberg text)
The Call of the Wild by Jack London
HTML at Berkeley
text at Wiretap
The Candle and the Flame by George Sylvester Viereck (HTML and SGML at Michigan)
The Case of Jennie Brice by Mary Roberts Rinehart (local illustrated HTML)
The Cash Boy by Horatio Alger (illustrated HTML at Virginia)
The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County, and Other Sketches (1867 edition) by Mark Twain (HTML at
The Celestial Railroad by Nathaniel Hawthorne (HTML at Virginia)
The Certain Hour by James Branch Cabell (HTML at Virginia)
The Chessmen of Mars by Edgar Rice Burroughs (Gutenberg text)
The Children of the Night by Edwin Arlington Robinson (Gutenberg text)
The Chinese Nightingale and Other Poems by Vachel Lindsay
HTML and SGML at Michigan
Gutenberg text
The Choir Invisible by James Lane Allen (Gutenberg text; unofficial until 30 Sep 2000)
The Christian Slave: A Drama Founded Upon a Portion of Uncle Tom’s Cabin (Boston: Phillips, Sampson, 1855) by Harriet Beecher Stowe
frame-dependent HTML with commentary at Virginia
simpler HTML at Virginia
The Circular Staircase by Mary Roberts Rinehart (illustrated HTML at Virginia)
The City Looking Glass by Robert Montgomery Bird (text and page images at Penn)
The Clansman: An Historical Romance of the Ku Klux Klan by Thomas Dixon (HTML and TEI at UNC)
The Coasts of War by Scott C. S. Stone (page images at )
The Collected Poems of S. Weir Mitchell (1896 edition) by S. Weir Mitchell (page images at MOA)
The Colonel’s Dream by Charles W. Chesnutt (HTML and TEI at UNC)
The Columbiad: A Poem by Joel Barlow (page images at MOA)
The Comfort of the Hills, and Other Poems by S. Weir Mitchell (HTML and SGML at Michigan)
The Complete Poems of Edgar Allan Poe by Edgar Allan Poe, ed. by J. H. Whitty (HTML and SGML at Michigan)
The Complete Poems of S. Weir Mitchell (1914 edition) by S. Weir Mitchell (HTML and SGML at Michigan)
The Complete Poetical Works of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (Gutenberg text)
The Complete Poetical Works of Joaquin Miller (1897 edition) by Joaquin Miller (page images at MOA)
The Complete Poetical Works of John Hay by John Hay, contrib. by Clarence L. Hay (HTML and SGML at Michigan)
The Conduct of Life by Ralph Waldo Emerson (text at )
The Confession by Mary Roberts Rinehart (Gutenberg text)
The Confidence-Man by Herman Melville (HTML at Virginia)
The Conflict by David Graham Phillips (illustrated HTML at Virginia)
The Conjure Woman by Charles W. Chesnutt (HTML and TEI at UNC)
The Contrast by Royall Tyler
illustrated HTML at Virginia
Gutenberg text
The Copy-Cat & Other Stories by Mary E. Wilkins Freeman (Gutenberg text)
The Conquest of Canaan by Booth Tarkington
illustrated HTML at Virginia
Gutenberg text
The Cost by David Graham Phillips (illustrated HTML at Virginia)
The Country of the Pointed Firs (24-chapter version, 1910) by Sarah Orne Jewett (HTML at Bartleby)
The Country of the Pointed Firs (21-chapter version) by Sarah Orne Jewett (Gutenberg text)
The Courtship of Miles Standish by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (HTML at )
The Courtship of Miles Standish, and Other Poems by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (page images at MOA)
The Courtship of Miles Standish and Other Poems by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (HTML and SGML at Michigan)
The Crossing by Winston Churchill (illustrated HTML at Virginia)
The Culprit Fay, and Other Poems by Joseph Rodman Drake (Gutenberg text)
The Cup of Comus: Fact and Fancy by Madison Julius Cawein (HTML and SGML at Michigan)
The Cup of Youth, and Other Poems by S. Weir Mitchell (page images at MOA)
The Cutting Room by Robert Rosenberg (HTML with commentary at )
The Damnation of Theron Ware by Harold Frederic (text at Wiretap)
The Dance of the Red Swan by Halvard Johnson (HTML at CAPA)
The Danites, and Other Choice Selections from the Writings of Joaquin Miller, “The Poet of the Sierras” by Joaquin Miller (page images at MOA)
The Darrow Enigma by Melvin Linwood Severy (Gutenberg text)
The Daughter of the Storage, and Other Things in Prose and Verse by William Dean Howells (page images at MOA)
The Dawn of a To-Morrow by Frances Hodgson Burnett (illustrated HTML at Virginia)
The Day of Their Wedding by William Dean Howells (illustrated HTML at Gonzaga)
The Death of the Lion by Henry James (Gutenberg text)
The Deliverance: A Romance of the Virginia Tobacco Fields by Ellen Anderson Gholson Glasgow
illustrated HTML and TEI at UNC
Gutenberg text; unofficial until 30 Nov 2000
The Depot Master by Joseph Crosby Lincoln (Gutenberg text; unofficial until 31 Aug 2000)
The Descent of Man, and Other Stories by Edith Wharton (illustrated HTML at Virginia)
The Devil’s Dictionary by Ambrose Bierce
HTML at GeoCities
text at Wiretap
The Diary of a Goose Girl by Kate Douglas Wiggin (Gutenberg text)
The Dominant City (1911-1912) by John Gould Fletcher (HTML and SGML at Michigan)
The Downing Legends: Stories in Rhyme by J. W. De Forest (HTML and SGML at Michigan)
The Early Poems of John Greenleaf Whittier by John Greenleaf Whittier (page images at MOA)
The Early Poems of Ralph Waldo Emerson by Ralph Waldo Emerson (HTML and SGML at Michigan)
The Emerald City of Oz by L. Frank Baum (Gutenberg text)
The Encantadas, or Enchanted Isles by Herman Melville (HTML at )
The Enchanted Island of Yew by L. Frank Baum (Gutenberg text)
The Errand Boy: or, How Phil Brent Won Success by Horatio Alger (HTML at Virginia)
The Eternal Savage by Edgar Rice Burroughs (HTML at Virginia)
The Europeans by Henry James (HTML at New Paltz)
The Evolutionary Tales: Rhyme and Reason on Creation/Evolution (electronic edition) by Ronald L. Ecker (HTML at )
The Faith of Men and Other Stories by Jack London (Gutenberg text)
The Fall of the House of Usher by Edgar Allan Poe (Gutenberg text)
The Figure in the Carpet by Henry James (Gutenberg text)
The Filigree Ball by Anna Katharine Green (Gutenberg text; unofficial until 31 Oct 2000)
The Financier by Theodore Dreiser (Gutenberg text)
The Flag-Raising by Kate Douglas Wiggin (Gutenberg text; unofficial until 30 Sep 2000)
The Flirt by Booth Tarkington (illustrated HTML at Virginia)
The Flying Islands of the Night by James Whitcomb Riley (page images at MOA)
The Flying U’s Last Stand by B. M. Bower (Gutenberg text)
The Foolish Virgin by Thomas Dixon
illustrated HTML at Virginia
Gutenberg text
The Free Rangers by Joseph A. Altsheler (text at )
The Game by Jack London
HTML at Berkeley
Gutenberg text
The Garden of Dreams by Madison Julius Cawein (page images at MOA)
The Gathering of Brother Hilarius by Margaret Fairless Barber (Gutenberg text)
The Gentle Grafter by O. Henry (Gutenberg text)
The Giant and the Star: Little Annals in Rhyme by Madison Julius Cawein (HTML and SGML at Michigan)
The Gift of the Magi by O. Henry (HTML at )
The Girl From Farris’s (original magazine version) by Edgar Rice Burroughs
illustrated HTML at
zipped PDF at
The Glimpses of the Moon by Edith Wharton (Gutenberg text)
The God of His Fathers: Tales of the Klondyke by Jack London
HTML at Berkeley
Gutenberg text
The Gods of Mars by Edgar Rice Burroughs (local HTML)
The Gold-Bug by Edgar Allan Poe (HTML at Virginia)
The Golden Bowl by Henry James (HTML at New Paltz)
The Golden Fleece by Julian Hawthorne
illustrated HTML at Virginia
Gutenberg text
The Golden Legend by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (page images at MOA)
The Goodness of St. Roque, and Other Stories by Alice Dunbar-Nelson
Gutenberg text
The Grain of Dust by David Graham Phillips
illustrated HTML at Virginia
Gutenberg text
The Grandisimmes: A Story of Creole Life by George W. Cable (HTML and TEI at UNC)
The Great Remembrance and Other Poems by Richard Watson Gilder (page images at MOA)
The Great Stone Face and Other Tales from the White Mountains by Nathaniel Hawthorne (Gutenberg text)
The Great War Syndicate by Frank R. Stockton (illustrated HTML at Virginia)
The Green Odyssey by Philip Jose Farmer (HTML at Naked Word)
The Grounds and Reasons of Christian Regeneration by William Law (HTML at CCEL)
The Hallam Succession (New York: Dodd, Mead, c1884) by Amelia E. Barr (page images at )
The Harvester by Gene Stratton-Porter (HTML at Virginia)
The Haunted Bookshop by Christopher Morley (Gutenberg text)
The Hazeley Family by Amelia E. Johnson (illustrated HTML at )
The Headlong Future: A Collection of Poems by James Cervantes (HTML at CAPA)
The Heart of Old Hickory, and Other Stories of Tennessee by Will Allen Dromgoole (HTML and TEI at UNC)
The Heart of the West by O. Henry (Gutenberg text)
The Heart’s Highway: A Romance of Virginia in the Seventeenth Century by Mary E. Wilkins Freeman (local HTML)
The Heritage of Dedlow Marsh, and Other Tales by Bret Harte (Gutenberg text; unofficial until 31 Aug 2000)
The Heritage of the Desert by Zane Grey (Gutenberg text)
The Hermit and the Wild Woman, and Other Stories by Edith Wharton (illustrated HTML at Virginia)
The Hidden Hand by Emma D. E. N. Southworth (local HTML)
The Holy Cross, and Other Tales by Eugene Field (page images at MOA)
The House Behind the Cedars by Charles W. Chesnutt
HTML at Virginia
The House by the Sea: A Poem by Thomas Buchanan Read
HTML and SGML at Michigan
page images at MOA
The House of Dust: A Symphony by Conrad Aiken
HTML at Virginia
Gutenberg text
The House of Falling Leaves, With Other Poems by William Stanley Braithwaite (HTML and SGML at Michigan)
The House of Mirth by Edith Wharton (Gutenberg text)
The House of Pride and Other Tales of Hawaii by Jack London (HTML at Berkeley)
The House of the Seven Gables by Nathaniel Hawthorne
HTML with commentary at Eldritch Press
HTML at Virginia
text at Wiretap
The Human Drift by Jack London
HTML at Berkeley
Gutenberg text
The Imported Bridegroom, and Other Stories by Abraham Cahan (HTML at Eldritch Press)
The Innocents Abroad by Mark Twain
HTML at Colorado
HTML at Virginia
Their Wedding Journey (1916 edition) by William Dean Howells (illustrated HTML with commentary at Gonzaga)
The Iron Gate, and Other Poems by Oliver Wendell Holmes (page images at MOA)
The Iron Heel by Jack London
HTML at Berkeley
Gutenberg text
The Jimmyjohn Boss, and Other Stories by Owen Wister (Gutenberg text)
The Jingo by George Randolph Chester (text at Naked Word)
The Joys of Being a Woman, and Other Papers by Winifred Kirkland
HTML at Virginia
text at Wiretap
The Jungle by Upton Sinclair (Gutenberg text)
The Kansas Poems by Kenneth Wiggins Porter (HTML at
The King in Yellow by Robert W. Chambers (HTML at Litrix)
The King of Folly Island, and Other People by Sarah Orne Jewett (HTML at Coe College)
The King’s Jackal by Richard Harding Davis (illustrated HTML at Virginia)
The Lady, or the Tiger? by Frank R. Stockton (Gutenberg text)
The Lady Who Smoked Cigars by Rupert Hughes (illustrated HTML at )
The Lake Gun by James Fenimore Cooper (Gutenberg text; unofficial until 30 Sep 2000)
The Land That Time Forgot by Edgar Rice Burroughs (Gutenberg text)
The Last Leaf by Oliver Wendell Holmes
HTML at Eldritch Press
heavily illustrated HTML at Eldritch Press
The Last of the Mohicans by James Fenimore Cooper
HTML at Virginia
The Last of the Plainsmen by Zane Grey (Gutenberg text; unofficial until 29 Feb 2000)
The Leavenworth Case: A Lawyer’s Story by Anna Katharine Green (HTML at )
The Legend of Sleepy Hollow by Washington Irving (HTML with commentary at )
The Leopard’s Spots: A Romance of the White Man’s Burden, 1865-1900 by Thomas Dixon (illustrated HTML and TEI at UNC)
The Lesson of the Master by Henry James (Gutenberg text)
The Lightning-Rod Man by Herman Melville (HTML at )
The Light of Western Stars by Zane Grey (Gutenberg text)
The Lion and the Unicorn by Richard Harding Davis
illustrated HTML at Virginia
Gutenberg text
The Lion’s Cub, with Other Verse by Richard Henry Stoddard (page images at MOA)
The Little Book of Modern Verse , ed. by Jessie Belle Rittenhouse (Gutenberg text)
The Little Colonel by Annie Fellows Johnston (loacl HTML)
The Little Shepherd of Kingdom Come by John Fox
HTML at Naked Word
Gutenberg text; unofficial until 29 Feb 2000
The Living Link: A Novel (New York: Harper, 1874) by James De Mille (page images at )
The Lizard of Oz: An Adult Fable by Richard Seltzer (HTML at )
The Lone Star Ranger by Zane Grey (Gutenberg text)
The Lost City by Joseph Badger
illustrated HTML at Virginia
Gutenberg text
The Lost Earl, With Other Poems and Tales in Verse by J. T. Trowbridge (page images at MOA)
The Lost Prince by Frances Hodgson Burnett (illustrated HTML at Virginia)
The Lost Princess of Oz by L. Frank Baum (Gutenberg text)
The Lost Road by Richard Harding Davis (Gutenberg text; unofficial until 31 Aug 2000)
The Love Affairs of a Bibliomaniac by Eugene Field (HTML at Virginia)
The Lure of the Dim Trails by B. M. Bower (Gutenberg text)
The Lyric Bough by Clinton Scollard (HTML and SGML at Michigan)
The Mad King by Edgar Rice Burroughs (illustrated HTML at Virginia)
The Madman, His Parables and Poems by Kahlil Gibran (HTML at
The Magical Mimics in Oz by Jack Snow (text at )
The Magic Egg and Other Stories by Frank R. Stockton (HTML at Virginia)
The Magic of Oz by L. Frank Baum (Gutenberg text)
The Magnificent Ambersons by Booth Tarkington
HTML at Bartleby
HTML at Naked Word
The Man Against the Sky: A Book of Poems by Edwin Arlington Robinson (Gutenberg text)
The Man in Lower Ten by Mary Roberts Rinehart (Gutenberg text)
The Man of the Forest by Zane Grey (illustrated HTML at Virginia)
The Man of Uz, and Other Poems by Lydia Howard Sigourney (page images at MOA)
The Mansion by Henry Van Dyke (Gutenberg text)
The Man That Corrupted Hadleyburg by Mark Twain (Gutenberg text)
The Man Who Could Not Lose (with 7 other stories; 1918 collection) by Richard Harding Davis (Gutenberg texts)
The Marble Faun by Nathaniel Hawthorne
HTML with commentary at Eldritch Press
volume 1: Gutenberg text; unofficial until 31 May 2000
volume 2: Gutenberg text; unofficial until 31 May 2000
The Market-Place by Harold Frederic (Gutenberg text)
The Marrow of Tradition by Charles W. Chesnutt (HTML and TEI at UNC)
The Masque of the Red Death by Edgar Allan Poe (HTML at )
The Masquerade, and Other Poems by John Godfrey Saxe (page images at MOA)
The Mermaid: A Love Tale (New York : D. Appleton, 1895) by Lily Dougall (page images at )
The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood by Howard Pyle (Gutenberg text)
Themes of Song: A Poem by William H. C. Hosmer (page images at MOA)
The Mills of the Gods by Elizabeth Robins (HTML at Jacksonville State)
The Money-King, and Other Poems by John Godfrey Saxe (page images at MOA)
The Monster, and Other Stories by Stephen Crane (illustrated HTML at Virginia)
The Moon Pool by Abraham Merritt
illustrated HTML at Virginia
Gutenberg text
The Mormon Prophet (Toronto: W. Gage, 1899) by Lily Dougall (page images at )
The Mountains by Stewart Edward White (illustrated HTML at Virginia)
The Murders in the Rue Morgue by Edgar Allan Poe (HTML at Michigan)
The Music-Lesson of Confucius, and Other Poems by Charles Godfrey Leland (page images at MOA)
The Mysteries by Rochelle Ratner (HTML at CAPA)
The Mysterious Key, and What it Opened by Louisa May Alcott (HTML at Celebration of Women Writers)
The Mysterious Rider by Zane Grey (HTML at )
The Mysterious Stranger by Mark Twain (HTML at Naked Word)
The Name of Hero by Richard Seltzer (HTML at )
The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket by Edgar Allan Poe
HTML with commentary at Virginia
HTML in Austria
The Necessity of Poetry by David Rosenberg (illustrated HTML at )
The New Day: A Poem in Songs and Sonnets by Richard Watson Gilder (page images at MOA)
The New Dominion: A Poem (Saint John, N.B.: J. & A. McMillan, 1867) by William Richard M. Burtis (page images at )
The New King Arthur: An Opera Without Music by Edgar Fawcett (HTML at Rochester)
The New Pastoral by Thomas Buchanan Read (HTML and SGML at Michigan)
The New Physics: Poems by Al Zolynas (HTML at CAPA)
The Night-Born by Jack London
HTML at Berkeley
Gutenberg text
The No-Travels Journal by Maureen Owen (HTML at Light and Dust)
The Octopus: A Story of California by Frank Norris (Gutenberg text)
The Old Peabody Pew: A Christmas Romance of a Country Church by Kate Douglas Wiggin (Gutenberg text)
“The Old Swimmin’-Hole” and ‘leven More Poems by James Whitcomb Riley (page images at MOA)
The Open Question: A Tale of Two Temperaments by Elizabeth Robins (HTML at Jacksonville State)
The Outcry by Henry James (Golden Gale archive format)
The Outlaw of Torn by Edgar Rice Burroughs (Gutenberg text)
The Outlet by Andy Adams (Gutenberg text)
The Partisan Leader: A Novel, and an Apocalypse of the Origin and Struggles of the Southern Confederacy (Richmond: West & Johnston, 1862) by Beverley Tucker, ed. by Thomas A. Ware (HTML and TEI at UNC)
The Passing Show: Five Modern Plays in Verse by Harriet Monroe (HTML and SGML at Michigan)
The Patchwork Girl of Oz by L. Frank Baum (Gutenberg text)
The Pathfinder by James Fenimore Cooper (Gutenberg text)
The Pennsylvania Pilgrim, and Other Poems by John Greenleaf Whittier (page images at MOA)
The People That Time Forgot by Edgar Rice Burroughs (Gutenberg text)
The Peterkin Papers by Lucretia P. Hale (local illustrated HTML)
The Piazza Tales by Herman Melville (HTML at )
The Picture of St. John by Bayard Taylor (page images at MOA)
The Pigfoot Rebellion by Charles Hartman (HTML at CAPA)
The Pioneers by James Fenimore Cooper (Gutenberg text; unofficial until 31 Aug 2000)
The Pit, A Story of Chicago by Frank Norris (text at Wiretap)
The Pit and the Pendulum by Edgar Allan Poe (HTML at Michigan)
The Planter’s Northern Bride by Caroline Lee Hentz (HTML and TEI at UNC)
The Pliocene Skull (1871) by Bret Harte, illust. by E. M. Schaeffer (page images at LOC)
The Poems and Sonnets of Louise Chandler Moulton by Louise Chandler Moulton (HTML and SGML at Michigan)
The Poems of Charles Fenno Hoffman by Charles Fenno Hoffman (page images at MOA)
The Poems of Emma Lazarus by Emma Lazarus
volume I: HTML and SGML at Michigan
volume II: HTML and SGML at Michigan
The Poems of Henry Timrod by Henry Timrod (Gutenberg text)
The Poems of Henry Timrod (1872 edition) by Henry Timrod (HTML and TEI at UNC)
The Poems of Henry Timrod (1873 edition) by Henry Timrod (page images at MOA)
The Poems of Philip Henry Savage by Philip Henry Savage (HTML and SGML at Michigan)
The Poems of Phoebe Carey by Phoebe Cary (page images at MOA)
The Poems of Richard Henry Stoddard by Richard Henry Stoddard (page images at MOA)
The Poems of Thomas Bailey Aldrich by Thomas Bailey Aldrich (HTML and SGML at Michigan)
The Poems, Sacred, Passionate, and Humorous, of Nathaniel Parker Willis by Nathaniel Parker Willis (page images at MOA)
The Poet and Other Poems by Raymond Garfield Dandridge (HTML and SGML at Michigan)
The Poetical Works of Alice and Phoebe Cary by Alice Cary and Phoebe Cary (page images at MOA)
The Poetical Works of Edward Rowland Sill by Edward Rowland Sill (page images at MOA)
The Poetical Works of Fitz-Greene Halleck (1848 edition) by Fitz-Greene Halleck (page images at MOA)
The Poetical Works of George M. Horton, The Colored Bard of North Carolina, To Which is Prefixed the Life of the Author, Written by Himself by George M. Horton (HTML and TEI at UNC)
The Poetical Works of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (1894 edition) by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (page images at MOA)
The Poetical Works of N. P. Willis by Nathaniel Parker Willis (page images at MOA)
The Poet’s Journal by Bayard Taylor (page images at MOA)
The Poisoned Pen by Arthur B. Reeve (Gutenberg text)
The Portrait of a Lady by Henry James
HTML at New Paltz
HTML at English Server
The Portraitist: A Historical Novel by Victor Barnouw (HTML at Chalidze Publications)
The Premar Experiments by Robert H. Rimmer (page images at )
The Prince and the Pauper by Mark Twain
Gutenberg text
The Prince of Parthia: A Tragedy by Thomas Godfrey (page images at MOA)
The Prince’s Ball by Edmund Clarence Stedman (page images at MOA)
The Princess Aline by Richard Harding Davis (illustrated HTML at Virginia)
The Professor’s House by Willa Cather (HTML at Michigan)
The Prophet by Kahlil Gibran (HTML in Canada; NO US ACCESS)
The Prophet of the Great Smoky Mountains by Mary Noialles Murfree (HTML and TEI at UNC)
The Proud Miss MacBride: A Legend of Gotham by John Godfrey Saxe (page images at MOA)
The Purloined Letter by Edgar Allan Poe (HTML at Michigan)
The Ranch at the Wolverine by B. M. Bower (illustrated HTML at Celebration of Women Writers)
The Rape of Florida by Albery A. Whitman (HTML and SGML at Michigan)
The Real Issue: A Book of Kansas Stories by William Allen White (HTML at Kansas)
The Real Thing by Henry James (HTML at Colorado)
The Rebellion of Yale Marratt by Robert H. Rimmer (page images at )
The Red Badge of Courage by Stephen Crane (local HTML)
The Red Cross Girl by Richard Harding Davis
illustrated HTML at Virginia
Gutenberg text
The Redheaded Outfield and Other Baseball Stories by Zane Grey
illustrated HTML at Virginia
Gutenberg text
The Red One by Jack London
HTML at Berkeley
Gutenberg text
The Reef by Edith Wharton (Gutenberg text)
The Reporter Who Made Himself King by Richard Harding Davis (Gutenberg text)
The Republic: A Little Book of Homespun Verse by Madison Julius Cawein (HTML and SGML at Michigan)
The Return of Tarzan by Edgar Rice Burroughs (HTML at CMU)
The Rhode-Island Book: Selections in Prose and Verse, From the Writings of Rhode-Island Citizens by Anne C. Lynch Botta (page images at MOA)
The Rise of David Levinsky by Abraham Cahan (HTML at Eldritch Press)
The Rise of Silas Lapham by William Dean Howells
illustrated HTML at Gonzaga
Gutenberg text
The Rising Village, With Other Poems (Sain John, N.B.: J. M’Millan, 1834) by Oliver Goldsmith (page images at )
The Riverman by Stewart Edward White (Gutenberg text)
The Road by Jack London (illustrated HTML at Berkeley)
The Road to Oz by L. Frank Baum (Gutenberg text)
The Romance of Dollard (New York: The Century Co., 1899) by Mary Hartwell Catherwood (page images at )
The Royal Book of Oz by Ruth Plumly Thompson and L. Frank Baum (text at GeoCities)
The Ruling Passion by Henry Van Dyke (Gutenberg text)
The Sacred Fount by Henry James (HTML at New Paltz)
The Scarecrow of Oz by L. Frank Baum (Gutenberg text)
The Scarlet Car by Richard Harding Davis (illustrated HTML at Virginia)
The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne (Gutenberg text)
The Scarlet Letter (Ticknor and Fields edition, 1850) by Nathaniel Hawthorne
HTML with commentary at Eldritch Press
HTML at Bartleby
The Scouts of the Valley by Joseph A. Altsheler (Gutenberg text)
The Sea Fairies by L. Frank Baum (text in Australia)
The Sea-Wolf by Jack London
HTML at Berkeley
Gutenberg text
The Second Book of Modern Verse , ed. by Jessie Belle Rittenhouse (Gutenberg text)
The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett (text at Wiretap)
These People by Lloyd Schwartz (HTML at CAPA)
The Shaggy Man of Oz by Jack Snow (text at )
The Shape of Fear, and Other Ghostly Tales by Elia Wilkinson Peattie
illustrated HTML at Virginia
Gutenberg text
The Shoes That Danced and Other Poems by Anna Hempstead Branch (HTML and SGML at Michigan)
The Shuttle by Frances Hodgson Burnett
illustrated HTML at Virginia
Gutenberg text
The Silent Places by Stewart Edward White (illustrated HTML at Virginia)
The Silver Princess in Oz by Ruth Plumly Thompson (text at )
The Single Hound: Poems of a Lifetime by Emily Dickinson, contrib. by Martha Dickinson Bianchi (local HTML)
The Sinless Child, and Other Poems by Elizabeth Oakes Prince Smith (page images at MOA)
The Sisters’ Tragedy, with Other Poems, Lyrical and Dramatic by Thomas Bailey Aldrich
illustrated HTML at Virginia
Gutenberg text
The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon by Washington Irving
HTML in Australia
Gutenberg text
The Snake Oil Wars, or, Scheherazade Ginsberg Strikes Again by Parke Godwin (HTML at BiblioBytes)
The Snow-Image: A Childish Miracle by Nathaniel Hawthorne (HTML at Virginia)
The Snow-Image, and Other Twice-Told Tales by Nathaniel Hawthorne (HTML at Eldritch Press)
The Soliloquy of Satan, and Other Poems by Eliott Blaine Henderson (HTML and SGML at Michigan)
The Song of Hiawatha by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
HTML and SGML at Michigan
page images at MOA
text at Wiretap
The Song of the Lark by Willa Cather (text at Wiretap)
The Song of the Wave, and Other Poems by George Cabot Lodge (HTML and SGML at Michigan)
The Son of the Wolf by Jack London
HTML at Berkeley
Gutenberg text; unofficial until 31 Oct 2000
The Sow’s Head & Other Poems by Robert Peters (HTML at CAPA)
The Spirit of the Border by Zane Grey (Gutenberg text)
The Spoilers by Rex Beach (page images at LOC)
The Star Rover by Jack London (HTML at Berkeley)
The Story of a Bad Boy by Thomas Bailey Aldrich (Gutenberg text)
The Story of a Hunchback by Julia Larned (page images at MOA)
The Story of Waitstill Baxter by Kate Douglas Wiggin (Gutenberg text)
The Soul’s Inheritance, and Other Poems by George Cabot Lodge (page images at MOA)
The Strange Case of the Lost Elvis Diaries by Barry Willis (HTML at )
The Stranger at the Gate by John G. Neihardt (illustrated HTML at Virginia)
The Street of Seven Stars by Mary Roberts Rinehart (Gutenberg text)
The Strength of the Strong by Jack London (HTML at Berkeley)
The Succession of Forest Trees by Henry David Thoreau (HTML at )
The Swamp Doctor’s Adventures in the South-West by Henry Clay Lewis (illustrated HTML and TEI at UNC)
The Sweet Singer of Michigan (1928 edition with commentary) by Julia A. Moore, ed. by Walter Blair (HTML at )
The Sylphs of the Seasons, with Other Poems by Washington Allston (page images at MOA)
The Tent on the Beach, and Other Poems by John Greenleaf Whittier (page images at MOA)
The Three Black Pennys by Joseph Hergesheimer (page images at CMU)
The Three Taverns: A Book of Poems by Edwin Arlington Robinson (Gutenberg text)
The Tin Woodman of Oz by L. Frank Baum (Gutenberg text)
The Touchstone by Edith Wharton (Gutenberg text)
The Town Down the River: A Book of Poems by Edwin Arlington Robinson (HTML and SGML at Michigan)
The Tragedy of Pudd’nhead Wilson by Mark Twain
HTML with commentary at
text at Wiretap
The Trail of the White Mule by B. M. Bower (Gutenberg text; unofficial until 29 Feb 2000)
The Trimmed Lamp by O. Henry (page images at
The Troll Garden and Selected Stories by Willa Cather (Gutenberg text)
The Turmoil by Booth Tarkington (Gutenberg text)
The Turn of the Screw by Henry James (Gutenberg text)
The Two Philosophers: A Quaint Sad Comedy by John Jay Chapman (page images at MOA)
The Untamed by Max Brand (HTML at )
The Vale of Tempe: Poems by Madison Julius Cawein (HTML and SGML at Michigan)
The Valley of the Moon by Jack London
HTML at Berkeley
Gutenberg text
The Vigil of Faith, and Other Poems by Charles Fenno Hoffman (page images at MOA)
The Village Watch-Tower by Kate Douglas Wiggin (Gutenberg text)
The Virginian, a Horseman of the Plains by Owen Wister
Gutenberg text
The Vision of Sir Launfal, And Other Poems (with notes by Francis Lane, 1900) by James Russell Lowell (page images at MOA)
The Vision of Sir Launfal; The Cathedral; Favorite Poems (illustrated Modern Classics edition, 1876) by James Russell Lowell (page images at MOA)
The Vision Splendid by William McLeod Raine (Gutenberg text)
The Voice by Margaret Deland (Gutenberg text; unofficial until 30 Nov 2000)
The Voice of Free Earth by Michael Klein (WordPerfect at )
The Voice of the People by Ellen Anderson Gholson Glasgow (HTML and TEI at UNC)
The Wager and Other Poems by S. Weir Mitchell (HTML and SGML at Michigan)
The Wailing Asteroid by Murray Leinster (HTML at Naked Word)
The Walls of Thebes by David R. Slavitt (HTML at CAPA)
The Warlord of Mars by Edgar Rice Burroughs (local HTML)
The Waste Land (1922 edition, with notes and line numbers) by T. S. Eliot
HTML at Bartleby
Gutenberg text
The Water Goats, and Other Troubles by Ellis Parker Butler (Gutenberg text)
The Wayside: Home of Authors (New York: American Book Company, 1940) by Margaret Mulford Lothrop, illust. by D. Putnam Brinley (illustrated HTML at Eldritch Press)
The Ways of Men by Eliot Gregory (Gutenberg text)
The Weather Within by Theodore Enslin (HTML at Light and Dust)
The Weeping Willow by Lydia Howard Sigourney (page images at MOA)
The Widow of the Rock, and Other Poems (1824) by Margaret Blennerhassett (page images at )
The Wife of His Youth, and Other Stories of the Color Line by Charles W. Chesnutt (HTML and TEI at UNC)
The Wide, Wide World by Susan Warner (local illustrated HTML)
The Wind in the Rose-Bush and Other Stories of the Supernatural by Mary E. Wilkins Freeman
HTML with commentary at
Gutenberg text
The Window at the White Cat by Mary Roberts Rinehart (local illustrated HTML)
The Wings of the Dove (1909 New York edition) by Henry James (HTML at New Paltz)
The Wishing Horse of Oz by Ruth Plumly Thompson (text at )
The Woman-Haters by Joseph Crosby Lincoln (Gutenberg text; unofficial until 31 Oct 2000)
The Woman in the Alcove by Anna Katharine Green (Gutenberg text)
The Wonderful Wizard of Oz by L. Frank Baum (local HTML)
The Works of Edgar Allan Poe in Five Volumes (Collier, 1903 or 1904) by Edgar Allan Poe
volume 1: Gutenberg text; unofficial until 30 Apr 2000
volume 2: Gutenberg text; unofficial until 30 Apr 2000
volume 3: Gutenberg text; unofficial until 30 Apr 2000
volume 4: Gutenberg text; unofficial until 30 Apr 2000
volume 5: Gutenberg text; unofficial until 30 Apr 2000
The Yates Pride by Mary E. Wilkins Freeman (Gutenberg text)
The Yellow Wallpaper (with links to commentary) by Charlotte Perkins Gilman (HTML at )
The Yellow Wallpaper by Charlotte Perkins Gilman (Gutenberg text)
The Yemassee: A Romance of Carolina by William Gilmore Simms (HTML and TEI with commentary at UNC)
The Young Forester by Zane Grey (Gutenberg text)
The Young Trailers by Joseph A. Altsheler (text at )
The Zolotov Affair by Robert H. Rimmer (page images at )
This Side of Paradise by F. Scott Fitzgerald (HTML at Bartleby)
This Way to Christmas (based on the 1916 edition, with commentary) by Ruth Sawyer (local illustrated HTML)
Three Girls in a Flat by Enid Yandell, Jean Loughborough, and Laura Hayes (local illustrated HTML)
Thursday, My Love by Robert H. Rimmer (page images at )
Thuvia, Maid of Mars by Edgar Rice Burroughs (local HTML)
Tik-Tok of Oz by L. Frank Baum (Gutenberg text)
To Dream Kalapuya by Karl Young (HTML at Light and Dust)
To Have and to Hold by Mary Johnston (illustrated HTML and TEI at UNC)
Tom Grogan by Francis Hopkinson Smith (HTML at Naked Word)
Tom Sawyer Abroad by Mark Twain (text at Wiretap)
Tom Sawyer, Detective by Mark Twain (text at Wiretap)
Tom Swift Among the Diamond Makers by Victor Appleton (Gutenberg text)
Tom Swift Among the Fire Fighters by Victor Appleton (Gutenberg text)
Tom Swift and His Aerial Warship by Victor Appleton (Gutenberg text)
Tom Swift and His Air Glider by Victor Appleton (Gutenberg text)
Tom Swift and His Air Scout by Victor Appleton (Gutenberg text)
Tom Swift and His Big Tunnel; or, The Hidden City of the Andes by Victor Appleton (Gutenberg text)
Tom Swift and His Electric Locomotive by Victor Appleton (Gutenberg text)
Tom Swift and His Electric Runabout by Victor Appleton (Gutenberg text)
Tom Swift and His Giant Cannon by Victor Appleton (Gutenberg text)
Tom Swift and His Motor-Boat by Victor Appleton (Gutenberg text; unofficial until 31 Aug 2000)
Tom Swift and His Motor-Cycle by Victor Appleton (HTML at Naked Word)
Tom Swift and His Sky Racer by Victor Appleton (Gutenberg text)
Tom Swift and His Submarine Boat by Victor Appleton (Gutenberg text)
Tom Swift and His Undersea Search by Victor Appleton (Gutenberg text)
Tom Swift and His War Tank by Victor Appleton (Gutenberg text)
Tom Swift and His Wizard Camera by Victor Appleton (Gutenberg text)
Tornado Alley by Philip Paradis (HTML at CAPA)
To the End of the Trail by Richard Hovey (HTML and SGML at Michigan)
To the Last Man by Zane Grey (Gutenberg text; unofficial until 29 Feb 2000)
Toward the Gulf by Edgar Lee Masters (page images at MOA)
Trees and Other Poems by Joyce Kilmer (Gutenberg text)
Trifles: A Play in One Act by Susan Glaspell (illustrated HTML at Virginia)
T.S. Eliot and the Philosophy of Criticism by Richard Shusterman (page images at )
Transparencies and Projections by Halvard Johnson (HTML at CAPA)
T. Tembarom by Frances Hodgson Burnett (illustrated HTML at Virginia)
Twenty Poems from Henry Wadsworth Longfellow by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (page images at MOA)
Twice-Told Tales by Nathaniel Hawthorne (HTML at Eldritch Press)
Twilight Land by Howard Pyle (Gutenberg text)
Two Worlds, and Other Poems by Richard Watson Gilder (page images at MOA)
Typee by Herman Melville
text files at Columbia
Gutenberg text
Umney’s Last Case (in English and German) by Stephen King
Uncle Dog and Other Poems by Robert Sward (HTML at CAPA)
Uncle Remus: His Songs and Sayings by Joel Chandler Harris (Gutenberg text; unofficial until 31 Aug 2000)
Uncle Tom’s Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe
HTML at Virginia
Gutenberg text
Uncle Tom’s Cabin (includes many auxiliary texts and commentary) by Harriet Beecher Stowe (frame-dependent HTML at Virginia)
Uncle Tom’s Cabin; or, Life Among the Lowly: A Domestic Drama in Six Acts (New York: Samuel French, 1858) by George L. Aiken, contrib. by Harriet Beecher Stowe (frame-dependent HTML at Virginia)
Under Ideal Conditions by Al Zolynas (HTML at CAPA)
Understood Betsy by Dorothy Canfield Fisher (local illustrated HTML)
Under the Andes by Rex Stout
HTML at Virginia
Gutenberg text
Under the Old Elm, and Other Poems by James Russell Lowell (page images at MOA)
Unguarded Gates and Other Poems by Thomas Bailey Aldrich (page images at MOA)
Vera the Medium by Richard Harding Davis (Gutenberg text)
Versatilities by Robert Henry Newell (page images at MOA)
Verse (1922 edition) by Adelaide Crapsey (HTML and SGML at Michigan)
Verses by Susan Coolidge (page images at MOA)
Verses by Wilson Jefferson (HTML and SGML at Michigan)
Verses (1888 edition) by Helen Hunt Jackson (page images at MOA)
Violets and Other Tales by Alice Dunbar-Nelson (HTML at )
Virginia by Ellen Anderson Gholson Glasgow (HTML and TEI at UNC)
Virginia Dreams by Maggie Pogue Johnson
HTML and SGML at Michigan
Visions of the Dusk by Fenton Johnson (HTML and SGML at Michigan)
Voices and Visions by Clinton Scollard (HTML and SGML at Michigan)
Voices of the Night, Ballads and Other Poems by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (page images at MOA)
Votes for Women by Elizabeth Robins (HTML at Indiana)
Waiting for the Galactic Bus by Parke Godwin (HTML at BiblioBytes)
Walden by Henry David Thoreau (HTML with annotations at Thorea Reader)
Walking by Henry David Thoreau
HTML at Thoreau Reader
Gutenberg text
War: A Poem, WIth Copious Notes, Founded on the Revolution of 1861-62, (up to the Battles before Richmond, Inclusive) (Richmond: West and Johnson, 1862) by John Hill Hewitt (HTML and TEI at UNC)
War is Kind, and Other Lines by Stephen Crane (HTML with commentary at GeoCities)
War-Lyrics and Other Poems by Henry Howard Brownell (page images at MOA)
Washington Square by Henry James (HTML at New Paltz)
Watch and Ward by Henry James (HTML at Clarkson)
Wednesday’s Child by Deborah M. Shlian and Joel N. Shlian (page images at )
Weeds by the Wall: Verses by Madison Julius Cawein (HTML and SGML at Michigan)
What Dillinger Meant to Me by Robert Peters (HTML at CAPA)
Whatever Love Declares by Jascha Kessler (HTML at CAPA)
What is Man? and Other Essays by Mark Twain
Gutenberg text
What Maisie Knew (1908 New York edition) by Henry James (HTML at New Paltz)
When a Man Marries by Mary Roberts Rinehart (Gutenberg text)
When God Laughs, and Other Stories by Jack London (HTML at Berkeley)
When Malindy Sings by Paul Laurence Dunbar (HTML and SGML at Michigan)
Where Pigeons Go to Die by R. Wright Campbell (HTML at )
Where the Blue Begins by Christopher Morley (Gutenberg text)
Where There’s a Will by Mary Roberts Rinehart (illustrated HTML at Virginia)
Where We’ve Been by William Greenway (HTML at CAPA)
Whilomville Stories by Stephen Crane (illustrated HTML at Virginia)
Winter Journey by Halvard Johnson (HTML at CAPA)
White Fang by Jack London (HTML at Berkeley)
Wieland: or, The Transformation by Charles Brockden Brown (HTML at Virginia)
Wild Cherry by Lizette Woodworth Reese (HTML and SGML at Michigan)
Wildfire by Zane Grey (Gutenberg text; unofficial until 29 Feb 2000)
Wild Justice by Ruth Sprague (Gutenberg text)
Winesburg, Ohio by Sherwood Anderson (Gutenberg text)
Winesburg, Ohio: A Group of Tales of Ohio Small Town Life (Huebsch, 1919) by Sherwood Anderson (HTML at Bartleby)
Within the Law by Marvin Dana and Bayard Veiller
illustrated HTML at Virginia
Gutenberg text
With Trumpet and Drum by Eugene Field (page images at MOA)
Women and the Alphabet: A Series of Essays by Thomas Wentworth Higginson (illustrated HTML at LOC)
Worldly Ways and Byways by Eliot Gregory (Gutenberg text)
Wyndham Towers by Thomas Bailey Aldrich
page images at MOA
Gutenberg text
Yale Book of American Verse (1912) , ed. by Thomas R. Lounsbury (HTML at Bartleby)
Yamoyden: A Tale of the Wars of King Philip by James Wallis Eastburn (page images at MOA)
Yekl: A Tale of the New York Ghetto by Abraham Cahan (HTML at Eldritch Press)
Yellow Clover: A Book of Remembrance by Katharine Lee Bates (page images at MOA)
You Know Me Al by Ring Lardner (illustrated HTML at Eldritch Press)
Young Adventure: A Book of Poems by Stephen Vincent Benet
HTML and SGML at Michigan
Gutenberg text
Young Folks’ Centennial Rhymes by Will Carleton (page images at MOA)
Youth and the Bright Medusa by Willa Cather (HTML at Virginia)
Zophiel: A Poem (1825 edition) by Maria Gowen Brooks (page images at MOA)
Zophiel: or, The Bride of Seven (1879 edition) by Maria Gowen Brooks (page images at MOA)
Tags: American Literature Literature United States
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