Free Social Sciences Books : Anthropology
- How the Shaman Stole the Moon: In Search of Ancient Prophet-Scientists from Stonehenge to the Grand Canyon by William H. Calvin (HTML at Washington)
- Interpreting the Function of Stone Tools: The Quantification and Computerisation of Microwear Analysis by Roger Grace (HTML in Norway)
- Needles of Stone (electronic edition, 1998) by Tom Graves (illustrated HTML at Glastonbury Archive)
- Research Methods in Nutritional Anthropology, ed. by Gretel H. Pelto, Pertti J. Pelto, and Ellen Messer (HTML at UNU Press)
- The Ascent of Mind: Ice Age Climates and the Evolution of Intelligence by William H. Calvin (HTML at Washington)
- The Epoch of the Mammoth and the Apparition of Man Upon the Earth by James Cocke Southall (page images at MOA)
- The Origin and Antiquity of Physical Man Scientifically Consideredby Hudson Tuttle (page images at MOA)
- The Passing of the Great Race (1916 edition) by Madison Grant (HTML with commentary at
- Types of Mankind by Josiah Clark Nott (page images at MOA)