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3D Game Development with LWJGL 3 by Antonio Hernandez Bejarano

3D Game Development with LWJGL 3

3D Game Development with LWJGL 3 by Antonio Hernandez Bejarano eBook Details: Publisher: GitBook 2017 Number of pages: 344 License(s):CC BY-SA 4.0 eBook Description: This online book will introduce the main concepts required to...

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The Logic Of Chance 

The Logic Of Chance by John Venn eBook Details: Publisher: Macmillan And Company 1888 Number of pages: 550 License(s): eBook Description: No mathematical background is necessary to appreciate this classic of probability theory....

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Applied Mechanics by Alfred P. Poorman eBook Details: 1917 ISBN/ASIN: 1112225420 Number of pages: 268 License(s): eBook Description: This textbook on Applied Mechanics is intended for use in the undergraduate courses in Mechanics...

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Mechanics of Engineering by Irving Porter Church eBook Details: Publisher: John Wiley & Sons 1908 ISBN/ASIN: 1271085984 Number of pages: 922 License(s): eBook Description: Comprising statics and dynamics of solids, the mechanics of...

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